The secret experiments of a biotech company have gone horribly wrong. A virus has been released that makes an infected person lose control over their body and gives them an insatiable appetite for human flesh. A tiny scratch from one of the infected is all it takes to become one of them. The number of people controlled by the virus is already staggeringly high and with every minute that passes it is spreading further.
In all this chaos you have received the desperate call of three scientists, who figured out a plan that could stop the virus. They think it might have been engineered with a weakness. A substance that can kill the virus quickly if an infected is treated with it. However they don't know what this substance is and how to make it.
To find out, they want to reach three locations on the company campus. Two research facilities, where they hope to find data on the virus and a laboratory that has everything that is required to create the cure. The only problem is the horde of hungry zombies between them and their destinations. This is why they asked for your help.
Here is what you know:
The zombies can be sorted into nine different weight classes. From 1, very fast but weak, to 9, very strong but slow. A scientist can pass a zombie by either outrunning it or by overpowering it. However, for that to be save, the scientist must be a lot faster or a lot stronger. Your team has gathered some data via drones, that shows the approximate whereabouts of some of the zombies. It isn't much, but you will have to make due with what you have.
Will you be able to guide the scientists savely to their destinations? This might be humanity's best chance of avoiding a full zombie apocalypse. The pressure is high, but there might even be hope for the infected.
Good luck!
Es gelten normale Sudoku Regeln.
Killer: Oben links in jedem Käfig steht die Summe der Ziffern im Käfig. Ein Käfig kann jede Ziffer nur einmal enthalten.
Zeichne drei orthogonal zusammenhängende Wege zwischen den gegebenen Ziffern und den drei eingefärbten Zellen. Jede eigefärbte Zelle sollte mit genau einer Ziffer verbunden sein und umgekehrt.
Die Wege dürfen nicht über die gegebenen Ziffern oder eingefärbten Zellen gehen, aber sie dürfen einander überqueren.
Die Ziffern auf einem Weg müssen mit der Ziffer, mit der der Weg startet, eine Differenz von mindestens 3 haben. (Das betrifft nicht die eingefärbten Zellen!)
Die blaue Zelle (z9s5) enthält die Anzahl der Ziffern, die größer sind als die grüne Zelle (z5s9) und kleiner sind als die rote Zelle (z5s1).
Lösungscode: Zeile 9 im Sudoku.
am 16. Juli 2024, 08:23 Uhr von QuiltyAsCharged
Cool puzzle! Drawing the three paths is an interesting challenge. Even when you have a basic idea of where they go, it's tricky to get the exact steps down.
Once I had the paths drawn, I had a hard time resolving the rest of the sudoku. This part is not my strength, and I may have missed something that would simplify the process.
Here's a link with the solution check enabled:
am 1. November 2023, 16:03 Uhr von Nahileon
Clarified the rules
am 1. November 2023, 13:40 Uhr von sanabas
Sorry for being a pain again. I'm convinced my logic is sound, and the puzzle is impossible with my reading of the rules. But now I think I've found another option for how I was misreading the rules. I read it as the given digits being the start of the paths, because the rules say 'between the given digits and the three colored cells', rather than between the coloured cells and the given digits. So the path starting at the given 5 can only have 1289 on it, etc.
Now I think it is the coloured squares that are meant to be the start of the paths, and hopefully I can get a solution this way...
...I get multiple solutions that way. It's been fun to attempt, but I'm out of ideas.
The restriction of a difference of 3 is only for the paths and not for the colored cells themselves. Sorry for causing this confusion.
am 1. November 2023, 04:57 Uhr von sanabas
My initial assumption for 'The blue cell (r9c5) contains the number of digits that are larger than the green cell (r5c9) and smaller than the red cell (r5c1).' is that if green is 2 and red is 8, then blue would be 5, as the digits both larger than green and smaller than red are 34567. But I *think* I've proved that is impossible.
So does that mean if green is 2 and red is 8 that blue would need to be 14, because there are 7 digits larger than green + 7 digits smaller than blue? Or does it mean that blue would be 7, and therefore green + red must equal 10?
It means what you thought it means. Basically Blue = Red - Green -1.