Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Sparrow Bathing Spot (Nala’s Adventures #14)

(Eingestellt am 27. Oktober 2023, 18:35 Uhr von SandraNala)

Lasst mich bitte in den Kommentaren wissen, ob eine deutsche Version gewünscht ist. Dann reiche ich sie gern nach! :)

Klicke hier um: „Spatzenbadestelle“ (auf englisch) zu lösen

Lösungscode: Ziffern aus Spalte 9 (von oben nach unten):

Gelöst von Myxo, zegres, SKORP17, CrippledLamp, Notlob, jalebc, estrat, UziS23 , extremelypuzzled, Wahaj, seeppp, davidjshort, sujoyku, Myreque, LehanLehan, AvonD, Isael, DadJokes, SeveNateNine, coreng, ... ryantgreenlaw, sappho, GoldenGod, Supertaster, Fenn, Sancdar, vmirandaa, Faaip, Calvinball, chien2000gl, trazere, TheGrand547, bilms, croo377, LizardOfEarthsea, bulguline, universe42, kovdavid
Komplette Liste


Zuletzt geändert am 21. November 2024, 17:16 Uhr

am 21. November 2024, 17:13 Uhr von Faaip
Hi Sandra (woof Nala!), I’ve now finished all your puzzles save the Christmas calendar from last year, and I have to say I enjoyed all of them immensely! Thank you for the much needed escape and entertainment!

This one I initially skipped after getting stuck, but it was a nice one! Brought me a lot of joy finding the sparrows.

Sandra here! Thank you for the lovely feedback!

Zuletzt geändert am 21. Juli 2024, 22:32 Uhr

am 21. Juli 2024, 20:03 Uhr von UncleNafe
This has to be the most difficult but enjoyable Nala puzzle I've completed! Was stuck a bit on this (and Pheasant Firnesstrainer) but managed to finish both today! That's all of Nala's adventures up to date :) Bring on the next one xx

Sandra here! Thank you for sticking with Nala and me! I have taken a bit of a break due to a new master I will start, but we haven’t forgotten about sudoku and Nala is eager to share her latest adventures soon again :)

Zuletzt geändert am 26. Mai 2024, 22:57 Uhr

am 26. Mai 2024, 22:13 Uhr von Katchoo
Wirklich sehr sehr toll! Auch künstlerisch wertvoll. :) Der logische Weg ist genial.

S&N: Danke :)

Zuletzt geändert am 13. April 2024, 22:15 Uhr

am 13. April 2024, 21:57 Uhr von Chipo
I was as surprised as the sparrows, and as delighted as Nala!

Sandra here! Brilliant - happy to hear <3

am 21. Februar 2024, 13:21 Uhr von ninjamunk
Simply brilliant!

am 24. Januar 2024, 16:48 Uhr von purpl
An absolutely stunning piece of puzzling work! It is unironically very funny as well!

am 17. Dezember 2023, 15:29 Uhr von damasosos92
Very rewarding and nice puzzle! Loved it!

am 2. Dezember 2023, 07:04 Uhr von QuiltyAsCharged
Wow! I can't say much without spoiling, but this is one of my favorite puzzles ever. I felt a little of that same joy as Nala in finding where the sparrows were hiding.

am 28. Oktober 2023, 15:26 Uhr von mihil99
Another thrilling Nala adventure! Thanks so much <3

am 28. Oktober 2023, 03:45 Uhr von coreng
Wonderful puzzle as always. I think the puppy stories make the puzzles that much more entertaining to solve.

am 28. Oktober 2023, 01:57 Uhr von DadJokes
Loved testing this one. Fun puzzle!

am 27. Oktober 2023, 18:39 Uhr von zegres
Lovely as usual I loved finding the motivation.
Always amazed by how powerful it is even when being lazy.

Bewertung:93 %
Gelöst:259 mal
Beobachtet:13 mal

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