Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

It's a Non-Factor

(Eingestellt am 26. Oktober 2023, 09:24 Uhr von SSG)

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Killer: Digits in cages may not repeat and must sum to the total in the top left corner.

Anti-Factor Lines: A line may contain no digit that is a multiple or factor of its length other than 1, and the digits along a line must sum to a multiple of its length. Digits may repeat along a line if allowed by the other rules.


Lösungscode: Column 1 + Column 8 (18 digits)

Gelöst von starwarigami, mihel111, madhupt, Vodakhan , SeveNateNine, AvonD, sanabas, Bankey, samuel1997, SKORP17, fjam, mse326, Jesper, Gliperal, jkuo7, Elliott810, OGRussHood, antiknight, mew_rocks, ... Hazem-77, Netra, kiwi0710, houeland, mercierus, MrQubo, Hyun, Illuminated, Chishiri, michaal94, Uhu, pkp, Aeterrno Amora, SPring, PippoForte, lpq29743, bansalsaab, zhangjinyang, PsychedelicCreature
Komplette Liste


am 2. November 2023, 02:11 Uhr von Netra
I have never imagined applying Chinese remainder Theorem to sudoku! It is an amazing puzzle!

am 30. Oktober 2023, 05:20 Uhr von sanabas
@bansalaab - puzzle is on page 4 now, so hopefully I can post a clue that is a bit of a spoiler. set theory is a good idea, but not the ring. think about top left vs bottom right, and see what you can force to be equal...

am 27. Oktober 2023, 11:03 Uhr von sanabas
Couple of easy deductions to think you're getting somewhere, then an absolutely astounding break-in, then flowed nicely the rest of the way. Fantastic puzzle.

am 27. Oktober 2023, 00:32 Uhr von SeveNateNine
Absolutely delightful!

Zuletzt geändert am 27. Oktober 2023, 01:44 Uhr

am 26. Oktober 2023, 21:35 Uhr von bansalsaab
I ve been trying to use set theory or the "ring" for couple of hrs but cant figure out the breakin. Need to look elsewhere:-(

Zuletzt geändert am 26. Oktober 2023, 19:39 Uhr

am 26. Oktober 2023, 19:36 Uhr von madhupt
An amazing break-in and very very smooth thereafter. All in all an extremely satisfying solve. This is the kind of puzzle Simon would love explaining on CtC. It had all the elements - the moduli, the oft-explained theorem, the works… Thanks a lot for sharing.

am 26. Oktober 2023, 17:57 Uhr von mihel111
Great start. Very satisfying till the end.
Congrats SSG.

am 26. Oktober 2023, 10:50 Uhr von starwarigami
Very clever use of the Anti-Factor constraints! Thanks for exploring what they are capable of

Bewertung:96 %
Gelöst:50 mal
Beobachtet:10 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool Arithmetikrätsel

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