Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Odd Jobs

(Eingestellt am 8. Oktober 2023, 23:56 Uhr von Jolly Rogers)


  • Normal Sudoku rules apply.
  • Along thermometers digits increase in value from bulb to tip.
  • Digits in a cage cannot repeat and must sum to the given value.
  • Digits joined by an X must sum to 10. Not all possible X's are given.
  • Digits along an arrow sum to the digit in the arrow's circle.
  • In this puzzle all digits associated with a clue can only contain odd digits, apart from the 4 given digits.

Hope you enjoy!


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Lösungscode: Column 5 (top to bottom)

Gelöst von idanz, kkli, sujoyku, Leira, pkratz22, lmdemasi, fuxia, Big Tiger, Hajuhn, Rex, metacom, pjhiatt, MarkSud, josemadre, NoobAndrew, Dermerlin, Corey115, PinkNickels, Viola canadensis, raelynnsigns, ... PippoForte, Dez256, timww572, ChampionAsh5357, augsod, koiking, Hugo-Bob, KingIsulgard, vexillophilia, isabelringo, Archon, casquefou, MysticMan, ThirdWiseMonkey, Jowser, richliaofs, Cezarr, kross
Komplette Liste


am 20. November 2023, 01:23 Uhr von cascadeshiker
Love the odd twist on familiar rulesets. Looking forward to more puzzles that use this. Thanks!

am 15. Oktober 2023, 13:57 Uhr von ukjohnd
Took a little while spot the very nice break-in, then flowed very smoothly.

am 10. Oktober 2023, 23:17 Uhr von 99%Sneaky
I highly approve of odd numbers and this puzzle :)

am 10. Oktober 2023, 01:42 Uhr von RussKozerski
I heard a joke about odd numbers, but it's not even funny. Thanks for the fun puzzle.

am 9. Oktober 2023, 17:25 Uhr von Ragna
Very good job! Thanx :-)

am 9. Oktober 2023, 06:44 Uhr von Tingo
The odd clue constraint was a blast to decipher. Great spin on the rules. Very enjoyable. Thanks for setting and sharing!

am 9. Oktober 2023, 00:25 Uhr von sujoyku
Thank you for this nice puzzle, Jolly Rogers! It has an interesting rule set and is both approachable and fun to solve. Thank you for setting and sharing!

Bewertung:88 %
Gelöst:256 mal
Beobachtet:10 mal

Rätselkombination Online-Solving-Tool

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