Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Fog Puzzle #2

(Eingestellt am 20. September 2023, 17:32 Uhr von EPH)

Fog Puzzle #2

Okay, I've fixed the problem whereby any digit would lift the fog. Somehow the saved solution got cleared.

Standard sudoku rules apply: each row, column, and 3x3 box must contain all the digits from 1 to 9.

Cells connected by a green line must contain digits with a difference of at least 5.

Cells connected by a black dot must contain digits which are in a 1:2 ratio.

Cells connected by a white dot must contain digits which are consecutive.

Standard Fog of War rules apply: when a correct digit is placed in a cell, the fog will be removed from a 3x3 square centred on that cell.


Lösungscode: Enter column 9.

Zuletzt geändert am 21. September 2023, 16:21 Uhr

Gelöst von SKORP17, OhHeyGuysItsMax, dodomos, AdamGaffney96, bansalsaab, tobymgk, kublai, Mr_tn, butch02, salimundo, Corey115, TheJakeEX, unlogical, PinkNickels, JohanW, sleeper, zrbakhtiar, radium, Xalothros, ... VFRIP, whitefox, Arne, NEWS, duckling, Thibaa, mariban, tdeo, augsod, ostio456, dianogah, belnovic, Onyx, aerithtransport, k2u5as, Vegan_warior, Jodelbanane, naggy, koiking, forsen, BakBak, Blummy
Komplette Liste


Zuletzt geändert am 21. Januar 2024, 02:09 Uhr

am 21. Januar 2024, 02:07 Uhr von ave
The start wasn't easy.
Also for the rest I find it strange that it's only a **. I guess my ***** difficulty is *** for others. :)
But enjoyed it very much!
Thanks for the puzzle, EPH!

am 21. September 2023, 16:28 Uhr von EPH
Fixed fog.

am 21. September 2023, 04:09 Uhr von vorash00
At one point Imade a keystroke error. The fog lifted and I thought - that's very strange as its a whisper line and I keyed the wrong polarity. At the end I restarted the puzzle for a quick test and any number placed in the grid will lift the fog regardless of if you've not it right or wrong.

am 21. September 2023, 01:08 Uhr von michael_787
This took me longer than expected, but I loved the logic. The only issue has already been pointed out.

am 20. September 2023, 23:56 Uhr von sujoyku
Thank you for this nice puzzle, EPH! Figuring out the interactions between German whispers and FOW has been a lot of fun.

am 20. September 2023, 19:54 Uhr von PinkNickels
Solid setting, but gotta make sure incorrect digits dont reveal the grid.

am 20. September 2023, 18:29 Uhr von bansalsaab
The fog gets lifted with incorrect digits as well.

Zuletzt geändert am 20. September 2023, 17:55 Uhr

am 20. September 2023, 17:43 Uhr von SKORP17
bei jeder Eingabe wird der Nebel gelichtet (auch bei einer falschen Ziffer)!!

Bewertung:86 %
Gelöst:193 mal
Beobachtet:8 mal

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