Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Eingestellt am 19. September 2023, 07:02 Uhr von Bremster)


by BremSter

Puzzle Rules:

  • Normal Sudoku rules apply.
  • Digits in red-shaded cells in column 1 indicate the position of 1 in that row. The same is true in columns 5 and 9 for 5's and 9's respectively.
  • Digits in a Quadruple circle must be placed at least once in the four cells touching that circle.
Solve in SudokuPad WebApp

Lösungscode: Row 3, then column 6

Gelöst von MicroStudy, wisty, Ambrose, ccotreau, Bjd, by81996672, virtual, rockratzero, tuturitu, Myxo, Wahaj, lars, Mad-Tyas, LehanLehan, marcmees, seeppp, Playmaker6174, AvonD, Felis_Timon, JaiHu, Bart, ... jadezki, lpq29743, lovely, Across, duckling, dendrobium, jalebc, Puzzle Weasel, Jodelbanane, OldManJoe9, k2u5as, Zuka, abadx, koiking, McParland57, forsen, jordanza, JoyousMeowMeow, ark29, Omnicole
Komplette Liste


am 30. September 2023, 09:21 Uhr von yuanbangod

am 21. September 2023, 04:11 Uhr von glum_hippo
Very wily!

am 20. September 2023, 15:02 Uhr von LeaVulpina
ME: "Why is this so hard!? Why can I not figure this out?"

ALSO ME: *ignores a 1 disambiguating a pair for a full half-hour*

ME: "I guess nobody will ever know." :/

Great puzzle! Thanks so much!

am 19. September 2023, 19:36 Uhr von Abdul the Killer
Nice! Well done!

am 19. September 2023, 15:20 Uhr von Starlight
Awesome puzzle. Took me a little longer because I got stuck in one place but I saw how to progress and the rest was smooth. Very fun to solve

am 19. September 2023, 15:00 Uhr von ForzaFcu
Thank you for this puzzle. It had a very nice flow.

am 19. September 2023, 13:24 Uhr von HumanBirdsong
Great puzzle! Very much appreciate that it still requires thought in the mid-solve. Extremely satisfying, well done.

am 19. September 2023, 12:25 Uhr von MarkSud
I thought that was very nice, and worth 3 stars! I think that is harder than the puzzles Bremster solves on his youtube channel.

am 19. September 2023, 09:51 Uhr von Playmaker6174
Found it a smooth and fun solve, thanks! :)

am 19. September 2023, 09:24 Uhr von Myxo
Cool puzzle, I really enjoyed that :)

am 19. September 2023, 07:11 Uhr von wisty
Lovely, thanks!

Bewertung:94 %
Gelöst:189 mal
Beobachtet:13 mal

Rätselvariante Online-Solving-Tool

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