- Numbers on an arrow must sum to the digit in its circle.
- Numbers on a thermometer must strictly increase drom the bulb end.
- Digits on a purple renban line do not repeat and must be consecutive, but may be in any order.
- All digits outside the grid are skyscraper clues.
As always, have fun!
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Lösungscode: The numbers on the negative diagonal (from R1C1 to R9C9)
am 8. Oktober 2023, 19:05 Uhr von phs
Wonderful idea, and so economical! Thanks
am 5. September 2023, 19:14 Uhr von kporadzinski
Once you figure out how to construct the rows, the puzzle becomes a "gas" one. Solving it took me exactly 4.5 minutes :)
am 5. September 2023, 13:40 Uhr von SirWoezel
Forgot to add a solution code