Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Trading Places (Killer)

(Eingestellt am 3. September 2023, 07:02 Uhr von meggen033)

Solve with SudokuPad, f-puzzles or Penpa+

Normal Sudoku rules apply.

The digits in a cage must sum to the number printed in its corner. Digits may not repeat within a cage.

Happy Solving and God Bless!!!

Lösungscode: Enter Row 7 Digits, do not use spaces

Zuletzt geändert am 12. Dezember 2024, 14:58 Uhr

Gelöst von AvonD, jalebc, SXH, flaemmchen, chiqiangluoli, ehollins, Bjd, Twan2797, Kworb, jange, Elliott810, Iluvsodah, mos, Piatato, Paletron, NotThatKindOfDoctor, Skarlon, snowyegret, pmadhini, ... lovely, karen_birgitta, BlackApolloX, trashghost, noodlehead, zhergan, PippoForte, Megalobrainiac, GhTheOne, NEWS, mezkur7, HighEagle, dendrobium, gxorgx, Vulajin, Zeddecks, CSStead, Swiddow
Komplette Liste


am 12. Dezember 2024, 14:58 Uhr von meggen033
Included solution to SudokuPad

am 8. September 2023, 23:44 Uhr von Grey
Very approachable!

am 3. September 2023, 19:27 Uhr von sujoyku
Thank you for this fun puzzle, meggen033! During the solve, I felt reminded of some of your previous puzzles (for instance "Thermal reading"). I somehow had the impression that they had prepared me to understand the logics in this one. The puzzle had a very nice flow and a cool process of disambiguation. Thank you for setting and sharing!

am 3. September 2023, 11:26 Uhr von Iluvsodah
Awesome building, just one of these very beautiful puzzles, the flow is just right.

am 3. September 2023, 11:15 Uhr von Elliott810
Beautiful construction! Thanks:)

Bewertung:94 %
Gelöst:79 mal
Beobachtet:14 mal

Lösung abgeben

