Saw this fun puzzle type invented by GlumHippo and wanted to give it a try. This isn't a hard puzzle but hopefully it can be enjoyed!
Usual Meidjuluk rules apply! ie Divide the grid into N regions, one of each size 1 to N. Black cells are disregarded (ie do not form part of any region). A region may not contain repeated numbers, and it may only contain divisors of its size (e.g. a region of size 6 may contain any combination of 1,2,3, and 6, including none of them).
You can solve the puzzle Penpa+.
Lösungscode: The numbers in the positive diagonal (from bottom left corner to the top right corner). Number is the size of the region the square is connected. Note that square may include two digits if the square is connected to region of 10 or larger.
am 12. November 2023, 23:10 Uhr von wisty
Very nice opening logic!
am 3. September 2023, 21:00 Uhr von Terttu5
I used the same rules I found online. N could be given but it's also part of the puzzle to determine it.