Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Frog in the Pot (Arrow)

(Eingestellt am 21. August 2023, 07:22 Uhr von zegres)

Here is an arrow puzzle I set while working on a new ruleset.
Should be enjoyable and not too hard.
Special thanks to all the testers!


  • Es gelten die üblichen Sudoku-Regeln.
  • Die Ziffern in Kreisen bilden die Summe der Ziffern an einem damit verbundenen Pfeil. Ziffern dürfen sich auf dem Pfeil durchaus wiederholen.
Have fun, leave a comment!
If you don't have fun, please let me know why so I can improve as a setter.

F-puzzles CTC sudokulab

Lösungscode: Reihe 7 (9 Ziffern insgesamt)

Gelöst von Twan2797, StefanSch, drbs, lars, cdwg2000, kkli, flaemmchen, Mr_tn, jalebc, chippers, lmdemasi, Chelo, MicroStudy, EmX68, Sonki, Megalobrainiac, Piatato, OutOfMyMindBRB, ademjaz, PinkNickels, ... PippoForte, Raistlen, bolado, BlackWolf, forsen, joelth, Martini&Toto, renegade_duck, k2u5as, Chefofdeath, greemi01, areigner, koiking, augsod, steinchen, MoHaMeD05, Krisonium, richliaofs
Komplette Liste


am 22. August 2023, 09:04 Uhr von Black_Doom
Lovely puzzle, very fun solve!

am 22. August 2023, 02:15 Uhr von sacklunch
Beautiful 2 star puzzle, and I enjoyed the congratulatory quote. :) Thanks for setting and sharing!

am 22. August 2023, 00:10 Uhr von Snaques
Very enjoyable puzzle, thank you zegres!

Might have gotten lucky with where I looked at first, but I feel like the break in wasn't too hard. While I think 2/5 feels accurate, it seems that on this site 2/5 are usually harder than this.

am 21. August 2023, 22:22 Uhr von Shrouded
Once the later part of the break-in hits you, it just unfolds beautifully. Very clean arrow puzzle!

Zuletzt geändert am 21. August 2023, 20:38 Uhr

am 21. August 2023, 20:22 Uhr von samuel1997
Brilliant pure arrow puzzle! Although I think 2/5 difficulty is a bit underrated...
Reply: yeah I think it’s a bit hard for a 2/5, a bit easy for a 3/5.
I though 2/5 was fair since there is only one hard deduction.
I feel like break in can always be a bit harder than the rest of the puzzle.

am 21. August 2023, 20:06 Uhr von Big Tiger
A good puzzle for my simple mind. I TRY to employ the complicated techniques of Simon-and-Mark and ... I just can never do it right lol. So yeah, this was fun.

am 21. August 2023, 20:00 Uhr von Dr Logic
Beautiful puzzle, really enjoyed it

am 21. August 2023, 17:30 Uhr von keenbowl
I quite liked it too, it flowed nicely and wasn't too hard

Zuletzt geändert am 21. August 2023, 08:00 Uhr

am 21. August 2023, 07:53 Uhr von Twan2797
Nice consistent difficulty. Not to hard. Enjoyed it a lot.
Reply: Thanks! That’s exactly what I was going for.

Bewertung:94 %
Gelöst:187 mal
Beobachtet:13 mal

Standardrätsel Online-Solving-Tool

Lösung abgeben

