Es gelten fast die normalen Slitherlink-Regeln.
Verbinden Sie Paare orthogonal benachbarter Punkte, um eine einzelne, sich nicht überschneidende Schleife zu bilden.
Hinweise innerhalb der Schleife stellen die Anzahl der Kanten dar, die um den Hinweis herum gezeichnet werden (bis zu vier).
Hinweise außerhalb der Schleife sind Lügner und dürfen nicht mit der Anzahl der um den Hinweis herum gezogenen Kanten übereinstimmen.
Online lösen: Penpa (mit Antwortvalidierung)
Lösungscode: Anzahl der Lügnerhinweise in jeder horizontalen Linie, von oben nach unten. (7 Ziffern)
am 1. Mai 2024, 13:01 Uhr von monky12334
This was my first non-sudoku puzzle variant I've tried! The puzzle was incredibly fun to solve when I caught onto the tricks for solving. Extremely well put together!
am 26. August 2023, 06:17 Uhr von wisty
I used all the clues and did not find this as easy as the comments had me expect. I really enjoyed it though it was a ton of fun!
am 21. August 2023, 09:24 Uhr von Dandelo
Easy, but nice.
And there is no rule that all puzzles need to be of highest quality. All puzzles are welcome if they make sense. The competition between setters came with the Sudoku flood, but is not the idea behind the Rätselportal. If you think a puzzle to be nice: share it with us. Many people are happy with any puzzle that is not a Sudoku. And if you get a rating under 90%, don't be sad. 80% is "good".
Thank you! I quite agree about the quality and am happy to share puzzles I think are worth sharing!
am 21. August 2023, 04:08 Uhr von virtual
Changed difficulty to "Easy" pre-rating
am 21. August 2023, 01:36 Uhr von wooferzfg
Nice and fun concept, but I think a lot of the clues were unnecessary
If you happen to remember, which clues did you not use?
am 21. August 2023, 01:05 Uhr von KNT
I agree with the one star difficulty assessment.
am 21. August 2023, 00:58 Uhr von szabog
Congratulation on your first non-Sudoku puzzle! A whole new world opens up :) Thank you for the interesting puzzle. It is not 3 stars. I think it is 1 star... But we can compromise in the middle: 2 stars - deal? :)
I've been setting pencil puzzles for a bit, but this is the first one I felt good enough about to post to LMD!