Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Turn up the Volume

(Eingestellt am 15. August 2023, 23:51 Uhr von Rhyno)


Normal sudoku rules apply.

German Whispers: Adjacent digits along a green line must have a difference of at least 5.

Renbans: Digits along a pink line must form a set of consecutive digits in any order, without repetition.

Palindrome: Digits on a grey line must read the same from both directions.

('X') The digits in those cells must add up to 10.

('V') The digits in those cells must add up to 5.

F-puzzles link



Lösungscode: Row 2

Gelöst von WatermeRen, Xalothros, mathpesto, MeltCatAmy, AzureFire, 333sudoku333, oshitada, by81996672, jalebc, salientropy, Bjd, Xerix, JJP, pepe74287, cathematician, Sonki, zorant, benisjammin, Schesam, ... PippoForte, cascadeshiker, BlitzburghBrian, Uhu, queenofeggs, augsod, humaLautema, forsen, ludvigr04, Bconner5, Toren, Martini&Toto, finger, jgarber, k2u5as, bereolosp, koiking, Spooof, edd
Komplette Liste


am 19. August 2023, 16:18 Uhr von anyeyeball
Fine puzzle and enjoyable to solve. Thanks for sharing.

am 16. August 2023, 18:25 Uhr von sacklunch
Another great puzzle, Rhyno! Thanks for setting and sharing - keep em coming! :)

Bewertung:92 %
Gelöst:172 mal
Beobachtet:15 mal


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