Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Eingestellt am 15. August 2023, 21:18 Uhr von Dr Logic)

My 10 year old brother has revently gotten into sudoku by watching CTC videos and decided to set a puzzle. This is his creation and he wanted me to upload it. I hope you enjoy his first puzzle

Normal Sudoku Rules Apply.
Digits seperated by a black dot must be in a 1:2 ratio.
Cells on a grey square are even.
Digits along a thermometer must increase from the bulb end.
Cells in a cage must sum to the clue in the top left corner, with no repeats.
Cells along an arrow must sum to the digit in the circle.
Cells on a grey circle are odd.

To Play:



Hope you enjoy

Lösungscode: Row 1 then Row 2 (18 digits)

Zuletzt geändert am 24. August 2023, 07:17 Uhr

Gelöst von jalebc, PinkNickels, albertol, LehanLehan, wildhound007, Diddlmus, SKORP17, ludvigr04, jchan18, Evicts, 28righthand, jgarber, DanishDynamite, WatermeRen, efnenu, Xalothros, geronimo92, sujoyku, ... Javier Rebottaro, xtmacxattack, ThirdWiseMonkey, Kachow, jjtheplum, MysticMan, Airelin, Cezarr, anthe95, r0the, Jowser, mango, naggy, ArmagedDan, seven-seas, hasti2c, sandbo00, josemadre
Komplette Liste


am 23. Juli 2024, 18:20 Uhr von garycblack
It's a little frustrating that the rules are still incorrect on the CtC app. It still says grey circles are even. The rules on this website are correct.

Another good reason to post the solution link:

am 9. März 2024, 20:57 Uhr von Virux
A very nice puzzle!

am 13. September 2023, 22:58 Uhr von KingIsulgard
Nice puzzle, but the grey circles rule should be corrected.

am 24. August 2023, 07:17 Uhr von Dr Logic
Removed 'New' Label

am 23. August 2023, 14:00 Uhr von Rollo
Very nice first puzzle :-).

am 20. August 2023, 15:14 Uhr von HalfBakedLunatic
Nice puzzle. On the CTC page, the rules still say "Cells are a grey circle are even" - this had me a bit confused till I saw the rules here.

am 20. August 2023, 05:57 Uhr von cascadeshiker
Awesome first puzzle. I'm looking forward to many more

am 19. August 2023, 07:37 Uhr von apendleton
Great first puzzle!

am 19. August 2023, 01:09 Uhr von nomos
Wow, 18:24 with a restart! That was thought-provoking. Great job!

am 17. August 2023, 16:55 Uhr von Ragna
Super fun puzzle! Nice flow.
Congratulation to your first puzzle, young man :-))

am 17. August 2023, 02:29 Uhr von aerenhart
This took me longer than I'd like to admit. Good job!

am 16. August 2023, 21:05 Uhr von Fisherman
Apparent heir to Phistomefel's throne.

Zuletzt geändert am 16. August 2023, 18:27 Uhr

am 16. August 2023, 18:24 Uhr von anyeyeball
Brilliant puzzle for a 10 year old. I enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing!

Edit: When I solved it, this puzzle had 203 solves in 20.7 hours on the CTC app.

am 16. August 2023, 18:02 Uhr von Chilimy
Great beginner Sudoku!
Keep up the good work.

am 16. August 2023, 17:04 Uhr von sacklunch
Wow, what a beautiful puzzle! Kudos to your brother, hope to see more from you both!

am 16. August 2023, 15:54 Uhr von nunc
Beautiful puzzle! Thanks a lot and kudos to your younger brother!

am 16. August 2023, 15:13 Uhr von Chelo
Little brother please keep on setting because this one has been very funny!..

am 16. August 2023, 09:04 Uhr von drbs
My budgie has been watching CTC for years now and has solved all of Phistomefel's puzzles in under half an hour. Soon I will publish his first puzzle here. I've been gritting my teeth on it for weeks. He said the beginning might be a bit tricky. I am totally depressed.

am 16. August 2023, 08:23 Uhr von Dr Logic
Fixed grey circle rules, sorry for any inconvenience caused

am 16. August 2023, 04:43 Uhr von vorash00
Circles are odd not even as given in the rule set. I was dubious about that odd rule but given the title I thought it may be correct so I avoided using that rule as long as possible and narrowed down one of the circles to either 1 odd option or 3 evens and couldn’t progress further without asserting that circles are odd in contradiction to the rule set.

The puzzle is nice enough just needs to rule set correcting. I was careful when reading the rules as I recently got caught out and stuck because I’d not noticed a rule.

am 16. August 2023, 02:09 Uhr von RussKozerski
Fantastic. Very enjoyable solve. We'll look forward to "Little Logic's" next puzzle.

am 16. August 2023, 01:23 Uhr von mathpesto
Lovely puzzle, younger brother!

am 16. August 2023, 00:25 Uhr von sujoyku
Thank you for sharing this fun puzzle! Big kudos to your brother for setting!

am 15. August 2023, 23:51 Uhr von WatermeRen
+1 @rcg

am 15. August 2023, 23:05 Uhr von rcg
I think you mean: Cells on a grey circle are odd.

am 15. August 2023, 22:05 Uhr von albertol
Nice one!!

am 15. August 2023, 22:03 Uhr von PinkNickels
Nice job, little brother!

Bewertung:91 %
Gelöst:314 mal
Beobachtet:15 mal

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