This puzzle explores what happens when zeroes are allowed on arrows.
I tried to keep this puzzle relatively approachable for newer solvers. However, there is some arithmetic necessary to figure out how the boxes with multiple arrows work. Thanks to the CtC discord community for test solving and feedback.
Click here to see BremSter's blind solve of this puzzle.
Lösungscode: Row 1 (9 digits)
am 12. Januar 2025, 08:32 Uhr von TheNineElements
Solve Time: 24:29
I rated this 2/5 difficulty.
Very nice puzzle! I enjoyed the 0-8 variant & how it changes the digit combinations for making valid arrow sums (compared to standard 1-9 sudoku arrows). It was a nice change of pace! Lots of fun ideas and I enjoyed the break-in. It took me a few minutes to figure out what I needed to make progress, but when I spotted the big restriction (won't spoil it here) I was able to place several digits around the grid and the rest of the solve went smoothly.
Overall I felt the puzzle was on the harder end of 1* difficulty to low 2* difficulty. Because the 0-8 variant is a bit unusual (and people are less likely to be familiar with it), I decided to tilt it towards 2/5 difficulty. Additionally, the first major 'breakthrough' I made during the break-in may be somewhat difficult to spot for an inexperienced solver (although it is a totally fair deduction that is thematic among many arrow sudoku puzzles). I thought the puzzle was generally quite approachable/straightforward, and beginners familiar with normal arrow sudoku should be able to solve this without too much difficulty (although there are a few ideas that are a bit tricky to spot).
Great puzzle, and thanks for sharing!
am 17. Februar 2024, 04:15 Uhr von cascadeshiker
I found that tough, but a very satisfying solve. Thanks for setting. I'd love to see more puzzles using 0-8 instead of 1-9.
am 22. September 2023, 15:11 Uhr von PinkNickels
Love this one. I am a fan of Goodliffing, and this puzzle was no exception :)
am 21. September 2023, 22:29 Uhr von Grey
Simply brilliant!
am 18. September 2023, 23:22 Uhr von Mennoo_
That was actually a very nice puzzle.
It's fun to see that 0-8 ruleset works a bit differently both due to the presence of 0, but also the absence of 9 having an impact.
Didn't struggle too much with the solve, but somehow my pencilmarkings looked messy to me due to all those 0s in them xD
am 18. September 2023, 16:30 Uhr von gdc
add link to solve video
am 2. September 2023, 21:27 Uhr von Fra314
Beautiful puzzle, fun and very rewarding! Well done!
am 17. August 2023, 08:04 Uhr von Montikulum
CTC web app says I have the wrong solution, but the code is accepted on the LMG website (English, in case that matters). I also can't find any problems with my solution. Otherwise a very intricate puzzle that requires you to be on your toes all the time, but very gratifying solving all the way.
Thanks. If you're still interested in resolvig this, please check your discord inbox. I sent you an offer to debug this on 2023-08-18. - gdc
am 16. August 2023, 21:02 Uhr von Snaques
This was pretty interesting and it's surprising how big of a difference the introduction of 0 has. Like in theory a four cell arrow could sum to 2 with these rules, which took a while to wrap my head around.
In the end I really enjoyed this one and would rate it at 2/5 in difficulty.