Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

The Knights Who Whisper "V"

(Eingestellt am 28. Juli 2023, 11:26 Uhr von gdc)

This puzzle is meant to be minimalistic. Also with respect to the rules.

  • Normal sdudoku rules apply.
  • Cells separated by a knight's move cannot repeat.
  • On lines, adjacent digits differ by 5 or more.
  • Cells joined by a V sum to 5.

Play online: CtC, f-puzzles, sudokulab

Solve Video

I posted this puzzle a few days ago on the CtC discord for feedback. @JCGodartSudoku decided to record a youtube video with his solve. You can watch it here.

Lösungscode: Row 1 (9 digits)

Zuletzt geändert am 2. Januar 2024, 09:44 Uhr

Gelöst von asver, pepe74287, tams2701, sujoyku, LKegel, IAM3, slowbiex, Wahaj, Guillem98, creo, LehanLehan, cegie, Bjd, jalebc, mcc, dingledork, Gosciola19, Matti64, scushuaishuai, Flycatcher, OutOfMyMindBRB, ... Jensa, Spooof, anthe95, louie.lly, PrinnyDidi, Ploctypus, tolley, TheNineElements, zhangjinyang, Baconator, NemoBlub, puzzledcoop, achambers2010, asdf1229, bcreturnee, cozoq, Jastucreudo, Aran-Fey
Komplette Liste


am 2. Januar 2024, 09:44 Uhr von gdc
restyle puzzle with sudokumaker

am 19. Dezember 2023, 12:53 Uhr von One Eyed Man
Lovely break in, thanks!

am 2. Dezember 2023, 18:05 Uhr von PurGale
The initial reasoning was brilliant. Thanks for setting up such a great puzzle!

am 31. August 2023, 15:57 Uhr von snuuba
Very nice puzzle, thanks for sharing

am 23. August 2023, 15:01 Uhr von Lily.the.flower
Very Nice Puzzle. I am rating the difficulty a bit higher than the maker. Although the puzzle is very smooth and easy to solve, it requires a few advanced techniques to get it started

Zuletzt geändert am 21. August 2023, 16:06 Uhr

am 21. August 2023, 16:05 Uhr von KingIsulgard
Very fun approachable puzzle. The break in is quite smooth. I love low/high coloring puzzles like these. Especially with knights move.

am 1. August 2023, 21:34 Uhr von gdc
Thank you for all the kind comments! When I posted this, I felt the breakin was wired, cute and interesting. But I'm still pleasantly surprised about how much engagement it created.

am 1. August 2023, 20:26 Uhr von silent_rob
Fun puzzle, great break-in.

am 30. Juli 2023, 13:44 Uhr von anyeyeball
Great puzzle! Thanks.

am 30. Juli 2023, 11:16 Uhr von Syzygy
Lovely puzzle, thank you for setting!

Zuletzt geändert am 29. Juli 2023, 08:56 Uhr

am 29. Juli 2023, 08:55 Uhr von RussKozerski
Thoroughly enjoyable. Thank you. Now for a joke about "ni."

Why did the computer go to the doctor?
Because it had a case of the "ni-ternet."

That's some cerebral humor right there. I don't care what you say.

am 28. Juli 2023, 23:37 Uhr von AlSina
Really loved the break-in!

am 28. Juli 2023, 22:58 Uhr von peep50183
Really cute break in, thanks :)

am 28. Juli 2023, 19:45 Uhr von DarrenBurnett
Some great logic at the beginning. Very nice.

Zuletzt geändert am 28. Juli 2023, 19:55 Uhr

am 28. Juli 2023, 17:14 Uhr von LoverOfPi
Easy and nice. Break-in took me a bit too long.
Thanks! Don't worry: The breakin is simple but also unexpected.

am 28. Juli 2023, 16:28 Uhr von gdc
add video link

Zuletzt geändert am 28. Juli 2023, 13:05 Uhr

am 28. Juli 2023, 12:41 Uhr von slowbiex
not too hard but a lot of fun!
Thx for setting.
Thank you! That was exactly what I was going for :)

Bewertung:92 %
Gelöst:457 mal
Beobachtet:16 mal

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