Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Eingestellt am 16. Juli 2023, 08:04 Uhr von Jobo)

Hello, enjoy this puzzle!
All feedback and comments will be much appreciated!



  • Normal sudoku rules apply.
  • Digits cannot repeat along the marked diagonal.
  • Along thermometers, digits must increase from the bulb end.
  • Digits along an arrow must sum to the digit in that arrow's circle.

Lösungscode: Row 2 followed by row 8.

Gelöst von scushuaishuai, Uhu, EmX68, Harold, Jlrice2, asver, fuxia, SKORP17, Jagga, belfieldtj, Bjd, NeroChaos, VitP, Ridhwan, selador31, Pegazus, zrbakhtiar, palpot, H.I. McDunnough, Crul, 111chrisi, ... Askloomok, S4K, Dharmabum, brimmy, phs, jalebc, flaemmchen, Gab, PinkNickels, BlackApolloX, flipout, Crusader175, damasosos92, Ulistef, lovely, PippoForte, Luaryo, Krisonium, martin1456
Komplette Liste


Zuletzt geändert am 19. Juli 2023, 23:23 Uhr

am 17. Juli 2023, 06:41 Uhr von VitP
Amazing how such an apparently simple, symmetric structure (the early quintuple) has exactly one solution.

That's what I thought! Thanks for playing. :)

Zuletzt geändert am 19. Juli 2023, 23:22 Uhr

am 16. Juli 2023, 11:47 Uhr von EmX68
Fun puzzle! Needed some time to find the break-in. After that a smooth solve. Thanks for setting!

Hey EmX68, thank you for playing and the nice feedback!

Bewertung:88 %
Gelöst:43 mal
Beobachtet:14 mal

Rätselvariante Online-Solving-Tool

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