Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Eingestellt am 20. Juli 2023, 20:28 Uhr von wooferzfg)

This puzzle was created by Jakhob and wooferzfg, and it is a variant of U-Bahn.

If you are unfamiliar with U-Bahn, here is a guide that covers the core logic.


Draw a loop network through the centers of some unshaded cells, which may branch or turn, but may not have any dead ends.

A clue outside the grid indicates how many times the corresponding line shape (i.e. a cross, branch, straight line, or turn) appears in the corresponding row or column, irrespective of the line shape's rotation.

6x6 Example Puzzle

Play the Example on Penpa+

Play the Example on SudokuPad

Puzzle Links

Play on Penpa+

Play on SudokuPad

Lösungscode: For each row except the last, from top to bottom, the number of lines leading down from that row

Zuletzt geändert am 27. Juli 2023, 19:09 Uhr

Gelöst von Jakhob, polar, KNT, Piatato, Zzzyxas, Mr_tn, jkuo7, AzureFire, misko, marcmees, Kpn, Luigi, Myxo, ONeill, CJK, peacherwu2, wisty, Joe Average, Agent, Christounet, RJBlarmo, Paletron, Bellsita, tuturitu, ildiko, the_cogito, abed hawila, OGRussHood
Komplette Liste


am 14. Februar 2024, 23:26 Uhr von Christounet
Magnificent ! I spent some time looking at the wrong place at the start, until I finally realized where to look and had a good laugh about it, because it feels so obvious when you just look at the right place ! Some intricate steps, enjoyable all the way. I'll definitely be watching your walkthrough guide within the next days. Thanks :)

am 2. Januar 2024, 00:34 Uhr von Agent
Awesome puzzle! A wonderful solution path from start to finish.

am 14. November 2023, 17:08 Uhr von wisty
This is such a memorable puzzle! Especially that opening! The low number clues work well with shaded cells, I was quite surprised at how a few things resolved.

am 22. August 2023, 12:52 Uhr von peacherwu2
The break-in is unexpected and each region has its own twists. Beautiful!

am 2. August 2023, 05:57 Uhr von ONeill
Very satisfying to discover the logic!

am 27. Juli 2023, 20:19 Uhr von Myxo
Lovely puzzle. Some really weird interactions which I have not seen in another u-bahn puzzle yet!

am 24. Juli 2023, 09:20 Uhr von marcmees
spectacular. thanks

am 21. Juli 2023, 16:30 Uhr von Piatato
Awesome! Fun little twist, and as expected, a great puzzle!

am 21. Juli 2023, 15:27 Uhr von KNT
I've done nearly all the subways on the portal, and yet this one taught me some new things. Awesome puzzle, and awesome walkthrough video too.

Zuletzt geändert am 20. Juli 2023, 18:09 Uhr

am 20. Juli 2023, 09:08 Uhr von wooferzfg
This puzzle is difficult. If you'd like a hint, feel free to either leave a hidden comment or message me on Discord (@wooferzfg).

I also left a hidden comment with a link to a walkthrough video so that you can see our intended path after you solve the puzzle.

Bewertung:100 %
Gelöst:28 mal
Beobachtet:5 mal

Rätselvariante Online-Solving-Tool

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