Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

[Fog of War Series] 19. Shrinking Killer (Easy)

(Eingestellt am 27. Juni 2023, 09:57 Uhr von AstralSky)

  • 1.Normal Sudoku Rules Apply
  • 2.Digits within a killer cage must not repeat and sum to the total given.
  • 3.Shrinking Lines:Skyblue lines are Shrinking Lines. Starting from the 3rd cell on the line, every digit must be strictly between or equal to its former two digits on the line. The first two digits are marked with Circles.
  • CTC:here

Lösungscode: Column 9

Zuletzt geändert am 27. Juni 2023, 09:58 Uhr

Gelöst von dodomos, qwerjk, WvdWest, jalebc, Iluvsodah, sanabas, Snookerfan, GurKeSaLaT, Jay, kublai, flaemmchen, cegie, liushong, lutzreimer, gdc, zrbakhtiar, SKORP17, Unthank, Nicholas Roberts, ksreinders, ... dingledork, Avron, MaxSmartable, Sewerin, Peteronium, m_busuttil, madmart, Smoncko, OBu42, PrinnyDidi, BeeBoi, Kekes, dholden, duckling, tdeo, x3y2z1, Onyx, belnovic, DiMono, Runald Waschlap
Komplette Liste


am 7. Januar 2024, 03:28 Uhr von ave
I loved it! Wasn't easy for me, but was fun!
Thanks, AstralSky!

Zuletzt geändert am 11. Januar 2024, 04:08 Uhr

am 10. Juli 2023, 01:12 Uhr von Nylimb
Very nice puzzle!
I haven't seen the shrinking lines constraint before. Was it invented for this puzzle, or has it been used before? (A Google search didn't find anything relevant.)

Sorry didn`t use LMD much in last year. It was invented for this puzzle

am 28. Juni 2023, 08:19 Uhr von obi
Great restriction interactions!

am 28. Juni 2023, 01:14 Uhr von HumanBirdsong
That was lovely! I’ve not encountered this constraint before, and enjoyed developing an understanding of its restrictions. I would suspect that, for someone new to this constraint, having ‘easy’ in the title might seem a little misleading. Otherwise, fantastic.

am 27. Juni 2023, 10:58 Uhr von WvdWest
Nice puzzle.

Bewertung:86 %
Gelöst:126 mal
Beobachtet:15 mal


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