Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

In common (Killer sudoku)

(Eingestellt am 22. Juni 2023, 19:09 Uhr von sujoyku)

Hallo, ihr alle! Seit längerer Zeit habe ich es mal wieder geschafft, ein neues Rätsel zu schreiben. Es ist ein purer Killer-Sudoku mit einem etwas trickreichen Einstieg. Ich denke, die Schwierigkeit liegt zwischen 2/5 und 3/5. Wie immer sind Eure Kommentare herzlich willkommen. Ich wünsche Euch viel Spaß beim Lösen!

- Es gelten die normalen Sudoku-Regeln.

- Killer-Käfige: Ziffern in einem Käfig dürfen sich nicht wiederholen und ergeben in der Summe den oben links angegebenen Wert.

Hier kann das Rätsel online gelöst werden:

Solve on f-puzzles

Solve on CtC

Lösungscode: Reihe 4 gefolgt von Spalte 5, von links nach rechts bzw. von oben nach unten (18 Ziffern insgesamt)

Zuletzt geändert am 4. August 2024, 11:36 Uhr

Gelöst von nuzzopa, Wuschel, CarlosGo, cathematician, killer_rectangle, tallcat, parkinson, AvonD, Steven R, pippilotta, SKORP17, idanz, OGRussHood, asver, jalebc, LehanLehan, Maroet, Crul, PinkNickels, Banana, ... ThirdWiseMonkey, Peteronium, Javier Rebottaro, neinina98, xtmacxattack, Kachow, Airelin, Cezarr, Chiefredhawk, r0the, MoHaMeD05, nicolacroft1, Kgoat, MattYDdraig, ArmagedDan, dendrobium, Saskia11
Komplette Liste


Zuletzt geändert am 9. Dezember 2024, 19:33 Uhr

am 9. Dezember 2024, 19:04 Uhr von MattYDdraig
A really smooth way to introduce relationships between killer cages.

Thank you for your comment, MattYDdraig! I am glad you had a smooth solve and liked the introduced relationships between the cages.
Kind regards, sujoyku

am 4. August 2024, 11:36 Uhr von sujoyku
changed CTC solving link to include solution check (big thanks to garycblack for providing the link!), no changes to the contents of the puzzle

Zuletzt geändert am 4. August 2024, 10:58 Uhr

am 4. August 2024, 04:27 Uhr von garycblack
Little tough for 1 star but very fun.

SudokuPad solution link:

Thank you for your comment, garycblack! I also initially thought the puzzle was harder than 1 star but be that as it may. Assessment of difficulty always is subjective. I am glad you had a fun solve. Also thanks for providing a CTC link with solution check. I will embed that into the puzzle page above.
Kind regards, sujoyku

Zuletzt geändert am 26. April 2024, 21:33 Uhr

am 26. April 2024, 20:34 Uhr von TheGreyBrewer
Interesting to note - I actually solved the puzzle, entered the digits in row 4 and column 5, and got my solution validated. But when I looked at one of the cages, the numbers didn't add up. I found out that there are two possible solutions with row 4 and column 5 the same, but with one cage wrong. None of the digits that disambiguate the two solutions lie in row 4 or column 5.

Thank you for commenting, TheGreyBrewer! To be perfectly honest, I don't really get your point. There is only one solution and it is possible to make some errors in other areas of the grid while getting the solution code right. Isn't that always the case unless the solution code was the whole grid? Please feel free to elaborate if I got you wrong.
Kind regards, sujoyku

Zuletzt geändert am 2. März 2024, 12:17 Uhr

am 2. März 2024, 11:14 Uhr von Bunglejohn
fun killer

Thank you for commenting, Bunglejohn! I am glad you had a fun solve.
Kind regards, sujoyku

Zuletzt geändert am 10. Juli 2023, 10:45 Uhr

am 9. Juli 2023, 23:34 Uhr von robbaker292
Really clever classic killer sudoku. Break in was enjoyable and the puzzle flowed nicely.

Thank you for your kind words, robbaker292! I am glad that you enjoyed the break-in and had a nicely flowing solve.
Kind regards, sujoyku

Zuletzt geändert am 26. Juni 2023, 21:00 Uhr

am 26. Juni 2023, 17:10 Uhr von Lenivaya_Joppa
Thank you for this great puzzle, sujoyku! I was quite lost until I found the clue, from that point on it was rather easy. I really enjoyed it! :)

Thank you for your kind comment, Lenivaya_Joppa! The first part of the puzzle indeed is the hardest. I am glad that you had an enjoyable solve.
Kind regards, sujoyku

Zuletzt geändert am 23. Juni 2023, 23:22 Uhr

am 23. Juni 2023, 23:16 Uhr von MmeMagique
Sometimes I forgot how much I enjoy classic killers, very fun thank you!

Thank you for commenting, MmeMagique! I am glad that you appreciate a classic killer and had a fun solve.
Kind regards, sujoyku

Zuletzt geändert am 23. Juni 2023, 18:21 Uhr

am 23. Juni 2023, 18:10 Uhr von anyeyeball
Very enjoyable puzzle. It took me several minutes to spot the break-in, so I think you were spot on with your assessment. The rest was a breeze. Thank you!

Thank you for your comment, anyeyeball! I am glad that you had a joyful solve.
Kind regards, sujoyku

Zuletzt geändert am 23. Juni 2023, 12:21 Uhr

am 23. Juni 2023, 09:29 Uhr von Montikulum
Quite agree with your assessment regarding the break-in and it’s difficulty: this is not easy to spot, you need to look for something like it, and in the right place. Sure, the rest is easier from there, but between 2 and 3 seems fair as without the start, you get nowhere.

Thank you for sharing your opinion, Montikulum! Your description perfectly reflects my thought process when evaluating difficulty. I guess without the break-in some random 9 is the only digit that one can get.
Kind regards, sujoyku

Zuletzt geändert am 23. Juni 2023, 12:17 Uhr

am 23. Juni 2023, 04:35 Uhr von espindolaa
Took me a bit to get the break in but once that's done, it really gets going!
Really fun and fluid puzzle, congrats on the setting :)

Thank you for your kind comment, espindolaa! I am glad you had a fun solve.
Kind regards, sujoyku

Zuletzt geändert am 22. Juni 2023, 22:41 Uhr

am 22. Juni 2023, 21:57 Uhr von heti2000
The solve is quite easy, but still very fun. Really, what I was looking for this evening!
I will definitely show this to some friends tomorrow, who usually do mostly standard sudokus.
It’s a great starting point for more advanced logics!
So thanks for sharing!

Thank you for your comment, heti2000! I am glad that you had an easy and fun solve. Also thank you for showing the puzzle to your friends!
Kind regards, sujoyku

Zuletzt geändert am 22. Juni 2023, 22:38 Uhr

am 22. Juni 2023, 21:50 Uhr von Nicholas Roberts
I'd definitely put it a 1 or 1,5/5.
Break in might be difficult for someone unfamiliar with Killers (or "the secret").
Enjoyable in any case.
Time: 06:55

Thank you for your comment, Nicholas Roberts! Congratulations on such a quick solve! It seems that the crowd is agreeing with your estimation of difficulty. As a setter I often feel unsure because naturally you already know the trick and have to guess how it would work for you if you didn't. :)
Anyway, I am glad that you found the puzzle enjoyable.
Kind regards, sujoyku

Zuletzt geändert am 22. Juni 2023, 21:32 Uhr

am 22. Juni 2023, 21:10 Uhr von OGRussHood
Took me 5 seconds to spot the trick, and I had the puzzle solved in under 10 minutes. This would be a great tutorial puzzle to provide to somebody who is just getting into variant sudoku.

Thank you for your comment, OGRussHood! After the break-in the puzzle is meant to quickly unfold. I did not think that it is so obvious to spot but be that as it may. I hope you had a fun solve.
Kind regards, sujoyku

Bewertung:91 %
Gelöst:313 mal
Beobachtet:13 mal

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