Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Learn the Alphabet: V is for Vault

(Eingestellt am 13. Juni 2023, 14:00 Uhr von Crusader175)

My idea for this series is to make 26 puzzles with different constraint that start with each alphabet (A-Z).


Normal sudoku rules apply. Digits in a cage may not appear in any cell orthogonally adjacent to the cage. Digits MAY repeat within a cage.

Puzzle Link:


SudokuPad (with solution check)

Previous Puzzle:

Learn the Alphabet Series

My youtube channel on solving sudoku: Crusader Puzzle

Lösungscode: Row 1 followed by Row 8

Zuletzt geändert -

Gelöst von Jlrice2, michalil, h5663454, fjam, davidjshort, Fisherman, pepu273, Myxo, NeroChaos, HumanBirdsong, pdabraham, Dag H, momixx, efnenu, zrbakhtiar, Torvelo, Banana, Nylimb, Gab, amarins, CrippledLamp, ... Mason_Jones4, zlotnleo, geronimo92, Richard7CE, Possum, Illuminated, URKR455, lmdemasi, da-hans, trashghost, vmirandaa, asii, radium, yidog, flaemmchen, pepe74287, Felis_Timon, duckling, MineLenny
Komplette Liste


Zuletzt geändert am 16. Juni 2023, 18:30 Uhr

am 16. Juni 2023, 17:38 Uhr von lizzzyc
Beautiful! Thanks for setting an approachable puzzle that reveals so wonderfully.

Reply: Thank you for the solve and kind comment! :)

Zuletzt geändert am 15. Juni 2023, 03:05 Uhr

am 14. Juni 2023, 17:05 Uhr von farodin64
Cages with shy digits regarding one's own family, I like. Thanks for setting.

Reply: Thank you farodin64!

Zuletzt geändert am 15. Juni 2023, 03:05 Uhr

am 14. Juni 2023, 11:37 Uhr von marcmees
nice construction. thanks

Reply: Thank you marcmees!

Zuletzt geändert am 14. Juni 2023, 00:37 Uhr

am 13. Juni 2023, 17:16 Uhr von HumanBirdsong
Lovely puzzle, enjoyed this immensely!

Reply: Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it.

Zuletzt geändert am 14. Juni 2023, 00:36 Uhr

am 13. Juni 2023, 16:30 Uhr von Fisherman
An extremely enjoyable work. Minimum coloring in and around the 2 and 8 boxes lead to magic.

Reply: Thank you! I really appreciate the solve and kind feedback. :)

Zuletzt geändert am 14. Juni 2023, 00:35 Uhr

am 13. Juni 2023, 16:25 Uhr von Myxo
Very easy and enjoyable!

Reply: Thank you Myxo!

Zuletzt geändert am 13. Juni 2023, 14:59 Uhr

am 13. Juni 2023, 14:36 Uhr von Jlrice2
It seems like there are multiple answers to this puzzle.

Reply: It might seems that way, but it is unique. There's some cells elimination that you might miss.

Bewertung:90 %
Gelöst:84 mal
Beobachtet:9 mal

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