Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Light Thru Double-Pane Glass

(Eingestellt am 10. Juni 2023, 05:00 Uhr von Will Power)

Normal Sudoku rules apply. Numbers on thermometers increase from the bulb end. Numbers on red lines are at least 4 apart from their neighbors on the line.


Solve on CTC

Lösungscode: Row 1 and column 9

Zuletzt geändert -

Gelöst von tobymgk, rictech, tiuhto, sasheo, nmmc123, apendleton, SXH, terrible_casserole, thrutch, pepe74287, flaemmchen, cmb, dskaff, aerenhart, Julianl, asver, jgarber, lutzreimer, Raistlen, NeroChaos, hige, ... pms_headache, Airelin, Baconator, puzzledcoop, JohnnyTL, ashekke, NemoBlub, sandbo00, LizardOfEarthsea, KingIsulgard, dellC, ChulioZ, noah138, hasti2c, Aran-Fey, jsxft, arangues, JazzCarballo, Pingy
Komplette Liste


am 6. August 2024, 05:24 Uhr von garycblack
Looks cool and plays well.

SudokuPad solution link:

am 20. Oktober 2023, 01:54 Uhr von Rex
Also fun if you mistakenly solve it with bulbs at the other ends of the thermos.

am 20. August 2023, 17:39 Uhr von a_large_canid
Enjoyable! Thank you!

am 7. Juli 2023, 10:25 Uhr von Nebu
Nice puzzle, I solved in a little over 15 minutes.

am 25. Juni 2023, 23:51 Uhr von KyleBaran
Looks busier than I like, but it flowed well

am 16. Juni 2023, 02:26 Uhr von Vohladio
I give this a 2/5 on difficulty and 5/5 on quality. Enjoyable solve.

am 12. Juni 2023, 09:12 Uhr von waffles_the_dog
A fun wee puzzle, I really enjoyed it.

Zuletzt geändert am 12. Juni 2023, 00:38 Uhr

am 12. Juni 2023, 00:38 Uhr von baku
Just what I needed for the night. A quick, approacheable and fun solve. Thank you for your great puzzles!

am 11. Juni 2023, 17:05 Uhr von N9theGr9
Nice quick solve, very approachable

am 11. Juni 2023, 14:28 Uhr von anyeyeball
Great, fun puzzle! Scientists have actually been able to weigh rainbows. Turns out, they are pretty light.

Zuletzt geändert am 11. Juni 2023, 11:42 Uhr

am 11. Juni 2023, 02:37 Uhr von RussKozerski
You know light doesn't have much mass, because if it did, it would be called "heavy." I don't usually share puns about light. I'd rather keep people in the dark. Actually, I didn't think of these myself, because I'm just not that bright. Thanks for the fun puzzle, Will Power.

@RussKozerski Thanks for the comments, and the "light" fun. 8-) -Will Power

am 10. Juni 2023, 21:23 Uhr von kross
Sometimes it's nice to have a quick and easy puzzle you can just zip through. Thanks!

am 10. Juni 2023, 14:06 Uhr von MarthaB
Another fun puzzle from Will Power.

Bewertung:91 %
Gelöst:582 mal
Beobachtet:16 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool

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