Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Arrows, but Squarers

(Eingestellt am 31. Mai 2023, 15:19 Uhr von SparkNights)

Normal Sudoku rules applies.

Arrow Rules: Digits along an arrow must sum to the value in the attached circle. Digits along arrows may repeat if allowed by other rules.

Squarer Rules: There are 9 squarers in the grid, which appear once in each row, column and 3x3 box. The nine squarer cells have to contain a complete set of the digits 1-9. Squarers are counted as the squared form of digits (e.g. squared 5 is 25) in that cell to satisfy arrow rules.

Links: CTC / F-puzzles

Lösungscode: Column 9 (downwards), and double write the squarer. (10 digits e.g. 1233456789 if 3 is the squarer)

Gelöst von mutex, StefanSch, h5663454, thoughtbyte, Snookerfan, OhHeyGuysItsMax, SKORP17, DanishDynamite, davidjshort, Uhu, c373s, zuzanina, Myse1f, AvonD, ashwin, GarageDoorOpener, Flycatcher, Cypher, ... MontyPython'sHolyAle, salientropy, zoelles, zlotnleo, galgamer, Schwupel, Kabuki73, Counterfeitly, OOOYH, ficko, killer_rectangle, jinkela114514, Komeiji_Carey, NoobAndrew, PippoForte, Felis_Timon
Komplette Liste


am 1. Juni 2023, 12:07 Uhr von topoi
Good flow once you understand the relationship between squares and regular numbers.

am 1. Juni 2023, 10:04 Uhr von farodin64
Double fun, thanks a lot!

Zuletzt geändert am 31. Mai 2023, 20:12 Uhr

am 31. Mai 2023, 20:12 Uhr von DanishDynamite
Yes, very nice!

am 31. Mai 2023, 18:36 Uhr von Snookerfan
Very nice! Thank you

Bewertung:93 %
Gelöst:44 mal
Beobachtet:17 mal

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