Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Highway to the Danger Zone

(Eingestellt am 23. Mai 2023, 21:52 Uhr von Jay Dyer)


  • Normal sudoku rules apply.
  • Divide the entire grid into killer cages, each of which is a set of orthogonally connected cells. Each cage contains exactly one clue, which may be in any position in the cage, and gives the sum of the digits in that cage. Digits may not repeat in a cage.
  • Draw a single loop through the centres of some cells with no branches or crossings, which visits each cage exactly once. If two cells share an edge but are in different cages, at least one of them must be visited by the loop. The digit in a clued cell equals the number of cells in that cage which are visited by the loop.

Solve in Sudokupad or Penpa+.

Lösungscode: Row 8 and column 8.

Gelöst von Jesper, Vebby, KNT, polar, Gryllulus, widjo, marcmees, JayForty, Jaych, gynu, tuturitu, bansalsaab, henrypijames, bigger, Xendari, Tacosian, peacherwu2, nordloc, TrollErgoSum, MaizeGator, rmn, wand, ... karlmortenlunna, zhall12570, bernhard, BlueShifted, Jubedu, misko, Chishiri, shteev, Uhu, hui, Leilalu222, michaal94, PippoForte, Mikemerin, h5663454, ONeill, TheZwierz, smallponder, DarthParadox
Komplette Liste


am 29. Mai 2023, 19:30 Uhr von wand
phew, difficult and mesmerizing

am 26. Mai 2023, 04:49 Uhr von Xendari
Loved it!

am 24. Mai 2023, 18:50 Uhr von marcmees
a real beauty. thanks

am 24. Mai 2023, 01:20 Uhr von Jesper
Fun combination, thanks!

Bewertung:93 %
Gelöst:57 mal
Beobachtet:12 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool

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