Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Eingestellt am 17. Mai 2023, 14:45 Uhr von mnasti2)

Using clues, I stitched together nine 6x6 sudokus contributed by nine different setters. No single 6x6 is solvable on its own, but together they can all be completed. Thank you to the setters, from left-to-right, top-to-bottom: Chefofdeath, zetamath, mormagli, Math Pesto, Piatato, Jay Dyer, MicroStudy, mnasti2, and AnalyticalNinja.

Rules: Fill each 6x6 grid with the digits 1-6 so that within each grid, no number repeats in any row, column, or box. Standard constraint rules apply for purple renban lines, green whisper lines (difference at least 3), orange entropic lines (12-34-56), light blue region sum lines, killer cages, arrows, and thermometers. Full constraint descriptions below.

No digits should be placed in the space between grids. Portions of clues in the space between grids are completely disregarded.

Outside space example image: (Note that the 5 is considered "adjacent" to both 1's on the whisper)

Links to play:
SudokuPad (turn off killer calculator)

Full constraint descriptions:

  • Renban: Digits on a purple line form a set of consecutive, non-repeating digits in any order.
  • Whisper: Adjacent digits along a green line differ by at least 3.
  • Entropic Line: Each orange line must contain one low digit (1 or 2), one middle digit (3 or 4) and one high digit (5 or 6).
  • Region Sum Line: Digits on a light blue line have an equal sum within each box the line passes through.
  • Killer Cage: The digits in a killer cage do not repeat and sum to the number in the top left of the cage. x and y are two numbers to be deduced by the solver.
  • Arrow: Digits along an arrow sum to the digit in the circled cell.
  • Thermometer: Digits along a thermometer increase from the bulb end.

Small hint to get started: (highlight or copy-paste)

I suggest starting in the top left grid (but don't stay long!). You can make a little important progress there, then let the clues guide and pull you around.

Lösungscode: The bottom row (left to right, 18 digits)

Zuletzt geändert am 18. Mai 2023, 05:36 Uhr

Gelöst von Chefofdeath, MicroStudy, mathpesto, Piatato, Migu, Vebby, JayForty, ficko, AnalyticalNinja , Gryllulus, Playmaker6174, tuturitu, Magnive, zlotnleo, by81996672, Snookerfan, Otterwatch, Qodec, ... OGRussHood, SKORP17, TJReds, spatzle, dodgson, AlbeyAmakiir, tome_coelho, samuel1997, YGe, mang0, Madoka42, Tom-dz, Tacosian, Uhu, h5663454, Kyriaas, Felis_Timon, Sewerin, Chad, isajo4002, Krokant
Komplette Liste


am 3. Januar 2025, 19:48 Uhr von Krokant
That was really, REALLY fun. :)

am 19. Mai 2023, 22:24 Uhr von Xendari
Really enjoyed that! Thanks to all the setters involved :)

am 19. Mai 2023, 15:46 Uhr von dtoto
Absolutely amazing puzzle from start to finish.

am 19. Mai 2023, 11:47 Uhr von marcmees
cleverly linked pack. thanks to all.

am 19. Mai 2023, 06:19 Uhr von Agent
Great construction, very fun and well-designed! Thanks to all the setters :)

am 18. Mai 2023, 23:42 Uhr von Myxo
Awesome puzzle!

am 18. Mai 2023, 21:26 Uhr von Silverscree
I was so excited to start this that I didn't bother getting my laptop out and instead solved (as I usually would) on mobile. Maybe that was a mistake, but looking past the frustrations of tapping the right cell on a tiny screen, this was brilliant. I'm glad I didn't read the hint and instead dove into all sorts of little deductions before eventually finding the thread that ties them all together. About 90 min all up. Thank you all!

am 18. Mai 2023, 16:33 Uhr von Qodec
Thanks for two and a half hours or pure joy! What a masterpiece!

am 18. Mai 2023, 13:49 Uhr von Snookerfan
Excellent, long and fun puzzle! Great interactions and collaboration! Thank you

am 18. Mai 2023, 12:57 Uhr von Magnive
Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant. I foolishly neglected a particular box until I had exhausted all the logic everywhere else so it took me quite a while to actually finish the puzzle, but I loved every second of it.

Each box had nice bits of logic on its own, but the way they play together just elevates this to a whole different level! :)

Zuletzt geändert am 18. Mai 2023, 09:29 Uhr

am 18. Mai 2023, 09:28 Uhr von Playmaker6174
Quite a long but very fun journey at the end, thanks to all the setters that contributed to this project and special thanks to mnasti2 for making this lovely treat! ;)
(Personally I found grid 8 - bottom middle grid - the trickiest of them all, but there're also surprising deductions in there too :} )

am 18. Mai 2023, 05:36 Uhr von mnasti2
Improved appearance on SudokuPad and added small hint below rules.

am 17. Mai 2023, 21:52 Uhr von JayForty
Very fun puzzle! Thanks to everyone involved!

am 17. Mai 2023, 20:50 Uhr von Vebby
Fantastic! Thanks to all setters! :)

Zuletzt geändert am 17. Mai 2023, 22:29 Uhr

am 17. Mai 2023, 18:25 Uhr von Piatato
Awesome puzzle! I'm very thankful for having been able to take part in such a great project! Very well done, putting this all together! :)

am 17. Mai 2023, 18:16 Uhr von mathpesto
Glad to have contributed, and you did a wonderful job weaving it all together! The level of interaction between the grids is really impressive!

am 17. Mai 2023, 17:40 Uhr von MicroStudy
very honored to be a part of this, thank you mnasti2 for weaving our grids very intricately!!

am 17. Mai 2023, 15:30 Uhr von Chefofdeath
This was such a cool concept with interesting deductions for each setters grid and the between clues! Thank you for allowing me to contribute and for creating and putting out such a great puzzle!

am 17. Mai 2023, 14:57 Uhr von mnasti2
Clarified example

Bewertung:96 %
Gelöst:63 mal
Beobachtet:19 mal

Rätselvariante Online-Solving-Tool

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