Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Digital Rain

(Eingestellt am 17. Mai 2023, 16:30 Uhr von ViKingPrime)



Normal Sudoku rules apply.

German Whisper (green): Digits along each German Whisper line must differ in value by at least five [5].
Thermometer: The value of digits along a thermometer must increase from the bulb to the tip.


Möbius: Each separate instance of the digit 1 may be considered as having the value of either 1 or 10 (but not both).


This one was inspired by someone on the Cracking the Cryptic discord server (which you should definitely check out, if you have yet to do so; lots of good stuff over there). The idea of combining German Whisper lines with Thermometers would never have occurred to me but it makes for a fun little combo. As soon as I saw it, I knew it would be a perfect fit for the Möbius constraint (of which, I've had some people say they might prefer to call it something else... Aces High, maybe? not sure).

If you're wondering, the title comes from the Matrix films, "digital rain" being their term for the falling green code they used to represent the Matrix itself.

Have fun!

Solve in f-puzzles!
Solve in SudokuPad!

The Möbius Series

Lösungscode: The digits along Row 2, left-to-right, then along Row 8, left-to-right.

Zuletzt geändert am 18. Oktober 2023, 18:26 Uhr

Gelöst von Paquet Voleur, pms_headache, sacklunch, Xerix, PinkNickels, AvonD, kublai, Cypher, Bjd, rictech, laky, sanabas, cdwg2000, Silverscree, Askloomok, Crul, achim-t, zlotnleo, bansalsaab, Godrick, BenTen, ... radium, teuthida, lmdemasi, jimmy_bob, draftstyle, KyubiBoy, Solved647, asii, oskode, NeroChaos, scottmb, MorsBe, duckling, kipcool, tarun_s, chig17, jakestilesowen, okravetz, arauwer, boykeauto
Komplette Liste


am 23. Juli 2023, 08:47 Uhr von F53710
Very nice. Had to restart once because of a miscoloured cell, but figuring out a new ruleset was fun and the ending where the numbers fell into place was very satisfying.

Zuletzt geändert am 30. Juni 2023, 11:43 Uhr

am 30. Juni 2023, 11:43 Uhr von abadx
a fantastic example of a well designed puzzle. congrats

am 4. Juni 2023, 14:30 Uhr von puzzlepandit
That is one of the most fantastic puzzle I have ever seen. Salute to creator!

am 21. Mai 2023, 18:13 Uhr von Yann
Very nice puzzle with a fun flow. As this is my first Mobius puzzle, I expected the 1/10 would make the solve harder, which is not the case, they are very well used. I especially liked how it is possible to disambiguate all digits at the end. Thanks for setting this, VikingPrime, and congrats on 100%.

am 21. Mai 2023, 12:45 Uhr von ViKingPrime
Thank you all for the lovely comments. I didn't expect the puzzle to be this well-received though I have to admit, there's something cathartic about whittling down possibilities along a thermo. -- VKP

Zuletzt geändert am 21. Mai 2023, 12:44 Uhr

am 21. Mai 2023, 09:11 Uhr von Christounet
Beautiful idea and execution ! Loved all the sequences in that puzzle. Now you've got to do one where 1 is an actual Schrödinger digit, both 1 and 10 in the final grid ! I wonder if that would even be possible ?

EDIT: How about a Schrödinger puzzle where you swap out 0's for 1's, so there's two 1 ones in each row and column, each one counting for a different value? Sounds like a herculean task to set, I may just leave that to your mad genius XD -- VKP

am 20. Mai 2023, 03:19 Uhr von Calvinball
Very well polished, and much more approachable than I thought it would be when I first read the rules.

Thanks for the puzzle!

am 19. Mai 2023, 07:23 Uhr von SeveNateNine
Fantastic puzzle, and thanks for the rule clarification! I wasn't sure what was meant by the and with the dash through it but it makes total sense in retrospect.

am 18. Mai 2023, 23:59 Uhr von ViKingPrime
Updated per below.

Zuletzt geändert am 18. Mai 2023, 23:50 Uhr

am 18. Mai 2023, 23:29 Uhr von SeveNateNine
Im slightly confused, Is it possible for r4c4 to be 6 and r3c3 to be 1? As the thermo and the GW are satisfied by different values of the digit 1? Ie can 1 take different values in the same instance of the digit?

EDIT: For this particular puzzle, the digit must be either/or; I appreciate your saying, I'll update the wording in the puzzle to try to make it more explicit. - VKP

am 18. Mai 2023, 17:32 Uhr von BenTen
Nicely designed puzzle and very enjoyable to solve.

Zuletzt geändert am 17. Mai 2023, 19:57 Uhr

am 17. Mai 2023, 19:56 Uhr von PinkNickels
Love this one. I would rate a 2.5-2.6. What do y'all think? Great setting. Mobius is a great series.

am 17. Mai 2023, 18:45 Uhr von sacklunch
Really fun puzzle! Challenging, but there's a smooth and logical path through the whole solve. Thanks for sharing.

am 17. Mai 2023, 18:40 Uhr von pms_headache
It took me a second to get a feel for where the pressure was, but once I understood, it flowed quite smoothly. Very nice puzzle.

am 17. Mai 2023, 18:14 Uhr von Paquet Voleur
Very nice puzzle with a sober and elegant ruleset. Not sure if the 1s come back reversed on themselves or not, but I like the name Möbius regardless. Thanks for this fun puzzle! (You're on fire these last few days!)

Bewertung:98 %
Gelöst:106 mal
Beobachtet:20 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool

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