Lösungscode: Column 1 followed by Row 3, with no spaces.
am 13. Mai 2023, 04:41 Uhr von adalg
Took some staring before suddenly discovering the brilliant track to find the first digits. Very rewarding all the time. Thanks.
Thanks for solving and feedback! I am glad that you enjoyed it! Haha, was not sure the best way of indicating where to look at the start.
am 10. Mai 2023, 19:17 Uhr von Silverstep
Miraculous. This is one of those puzzles that start out 2 stars and climb to 4 stars in the latter half. The cages and quads are surprisingly unhelpful compared to the Xs and Vs.
Thanks for solving! Yeah haha
am 5. Mai 2023, 20:17 Uhr von heliopolix
The stolen X's and V's are so helpful! They really put in work.
You just have to look at <<comment stolen>> and the whole thing resolves instantly!
am 23. April 2023, 10:03 Uhr von Tilberg
Oh boy, it took me ages to find any deduction here, but then it was real gem. Thanks!
Thanks for solving and feedback! I am glad you liked it!
am 22. April 2023, 20:45 Uhr von LittleNightmaresLady
Forgot to add "at least" in the quadruple rule.
am 22. April 2023, 20:38 Uhr von CookieWookie
I think that the rules should clarify that the digit in the circle must appear in "at least" one of the four surrounding cells, because at first I read it as "only" one of the four cells. But that's just a nitpick though, lovely puzzle!
Thanks for solving and feedback! I'm glad you enjoyed it! I didn't realize I didn't put "at least" in the rules. Thanks for telling me and I will edit it!
am 22. April 2023, 18:19 Uhr von LittleNightmaresLady
Forgot online-solving tool tag.