Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

X-Sumaguni Sudoku

(Eingestellt am 15. April 2023, 08:22 Uhr von rockratzero)

X-Sumaguni Sudoku

This puzzle combines an X-Sums Sudoku inside of a large Shimaguni grid.

Shimaguni Rules. Shade some cells within each bold bordered region (including each 3x3 sudoku box) to form islands.
1. All regions contain exactly one island, which is an orthogonally connected group of shaded cells.
2. A number in a circle indicates the size of the island in the region.
3. Shaded cells cannot be adjacent across region borders.
4. Two regions which share a border must have islands of different sizes.
5. All circles are unshaded.

Sudoku Rules. Place the digits 1-9 once each in each row, column, and 3x3 box of the central 9x9 black-bordered grid.
1. Number clues outside the grid are X-Sums clues.
2. The closest X digits to the clue in the corresponding row or column sum to the value of the X-Sums clue, where X is the first digit seen by the clue.
3. X-Sums clues are only valid if their cell is unshaded.

Play on Penpa+
Solving notes for Penpa+ (preferred): Fill the sudoku grid and all circles with Numbers in red, blue, or green for answer check. Shade cells with a black or grey. It is preferred to use Dark Grey 2 (GR2) for shading as with this color, invalid X-Sums will automatically disappear from view.

Play on SudokuPad (Answer check on digits only)
Solving notes for SudokuPad: Fill the sudoku grid and all circles with Numbers for answer check. Shading is not checked, but it is preferred to use Black/Dark Grey (default coloring option 3) for shading as with this color, invalid X-Sums will nearly disappear from view.

Lösungscode: Record shading in column 2 - giving one digit for each run of shaded cells, followed by the sudoku digits in the center row. No spaces.

Gelöst von Ambrose, chien2000gl, ccotreau, Las4one, Manitary, Trams, h5663454, Bellsita, cdwg2000, Jaych, RJBlarmo, Wessel Strijkstra, lars, MicroStudy, frodododo, bansalsaab, madhupt, AnalyticalNinja , halakani, TrollErgoSum, KNT, CrippledLamp, mishaaku, misko, Agent, Jesper, Christounet, wisty, ManuH, nottabird, karen_birgitta, Felis_Timon, Incurrsion, Jodelbanane, ptown, rich_27
Komplette Liste


am 11. Januar 2024, 06:11 Uhr von Incurrsion
First 4* difficulty puzzle yess! And such a fun one at that wow :)

am 23. Mai 2023, 16:03 Uhr von ManuH
Juhu! Sehr schönes Rätsel!!

am 23. Mai 2023, 16:01 Uhr von ManuH
Oh, danke. Dann habe ich wohl einen Fehler, den ich nicht sehe. ?!

Zuletzt geändert am 23. Mai 2023, 08:41 Uhr

am 22. Mai 2023, 15:48 Uhr von ManuH
Kann mir bitte jemand den Lösungscode für Spalte 2 erklären?!
Nur die schattierten Blöcke? Oder für das Gebiet die Anzahl? Hab schon einiges probiert, aber nichts funktioniert.

rrz - thanks for trying the puzzle. Apologies for confusion. For example, ◾◾◽◾◽◽◾◾◾◽◽ would be "213".

am 23. April 2023, 05:48 Uhr von wisty
This was a lot of fun - thank you so much! I <3 shimaguni

am 20. April 2023, 14:42 Uhr von Christounet
Great hybrid puzzle ! Very fun ! A bit of trouble for me in the bottom left part, compared to the rest of the puzzle. Thanks !!

am 18. April 2023, 02:49 Uhr von AnalyticalNinja
Well that was quite the cool puzzle. I'd never solved a shimaguni before, but boy did that ruleset make for a fun solve in this hybrid. Very well done yet again rockratzero, this one was a ton of fun! ^_^

am 17. April 2023, 21:34 Uhr von madhupt
Great puzzle! Took some time getting my head around this but it was great fun on finding the lovely flow of logic. Absolutely magical!

am 17. April 2023, 08:31 Uhr von Wessel Strijkstra
nicely done, combo works smoothly, had much fun :)

am 15. April 2023, 16:58 Uhr von Bellsita
That was really fun and more approachable than I was expecting at first!

am 15. April 2023, 11:54 Uhr von Trams
Lovely puzzle. Nice logic and the different rules worked well together.
I struggled a bit for the last bit. Thanks!

Bewertung:95 %
Gelöst:36 mal
Beobachtet:12 mal

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