Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Kuarantine Qnights / Quarantäne-Springer

(Eingestellt am 24. April 2023, 18:43 Uhr von Ryx)

Ich möchte mich bei denjenigen entschuldigen, die mit der ursprünglichen Version dieses Rätsels unzufrieden waren. Als ich zum Ende des Rätsels kam und noch eine letzte Sache brauchte, um es zu lösen, habe ich mich für eine (wie ich dachte) ästhetischere Lösung entschieden. Es tut mir leid, dass dabei ein tödliches Muster übrig blieb, das ich nicht erkannt habe.

Bei meiner eigenen Lösung des Rätsels dachte ich, dass die Wege der Thermometer ziemlich offensichtlich waren, aber jetzt sehe ich, dass ich mich geirrt habe, denn es blieb ein tödliches Muster zurück.

Es gelten die normalen Sudoku-Regeln

Thermometer - die Zahlen müssen vom Ende der Glühbirne aus ansteigen

Killerkäfige - die Zahlen in den Käfigen müssen die Gesamtsumme des Käfigs ergeben. Zahlen dürfen sich in einem Käfig nicht wiederholen.

Anti-Springer (Variante) - Käfige, die sich durch einen Springerzug sehen, dürfen nicht dieselben Ziffern enthalten. Ziffern außerhalb von Käfigen haben keine Anti-Springer-Beschränkungen. Zum Beispiel ist r1c2 (im 13er-Käfig) einen Springerzug von r3c1 (im 28er-Käfig) entfernt, so dass diese beiden Käfige nicht dieselben Ziffern enthalten dürfen.

Spielen Sie auf F-Puzzles
Spielen Sie auf CTC App

Lösungscode: Ziffern aus Zeile 1 dann Spalte 1

Zuletzt geändert am 24. April 2023, 20:05 Uhr

Gelöst von SKORP17, h5663454, NineK, pepe74287, Lozzo, belfieldtj, Clashkiller2000, wjdrumm, hannahh, lutzreimer, Jlrice2, Nagesh, LehanLehan, DarrenBurnett, NotThatKindOfDoctor, Cypher, Notlob, Jordan Timm, ... BakBak, CyanMystic, PippoForte, jgarber, Montikulum, Roberto, phs, Kabs, Sileem, PinkNickels, MB_Cyclist, Felis_Timon, Thomster, Isfan, dingledork, leongyanhao, Dez256, cmigas, Saskia11, kross
Komplette Liste


Zuletzt geändert am 25. April 2023, 16:44 Uhr

am 25. April 2023, 16:16 Uhr von Orpheus
Don't let the naysayers get you down. People can be pretty brutal around here when you post with a mistake. I've totally been there, and it's not fair. You might even consider deleting and reposting to get a fair rating. I'm not a fan of gatekeeping like that. I'm glad you fixed the problem and I very much enjoyed myself in the solving. Thank you for sharing. I look forward to more from you.

@ Orpheus - Thank you for that. Yeah, I was a bit taken aback by a few initial responses ;-) I'm glad you enjoyed it, for what it was meant to be: an easier entry to what (I believe) was a new use of existing constraints.

As to remove/republish, I felt it was better to leave it, so people can see the history (and maybe learn something from it). The rating, I don't think, is very much impacted by a few early low marks. It's really about an 80% puzzle (not the 90%+ that my last three rated puzzles are enjoying).

Zuletzt geändert am 25. April 2023, 16:03 Uhr

am 25. April 2023, 10:33 Uhr von cegie
I enjoyed the puzzle but reading the comments it's clear it had some fairly notable changes.

Might be late now but it I believe it would have been better to re-upload the edited version as it has an implicitly changed ruleset (anti-knight does nothing in this version) as well as a notably higher difficulty.

@ cegie - Thank you for the input. The change may be less drastic than you expect. You can see the original puzzle here: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=259xtw6y

Basically I had an ambiguous thermo chain in box 2. I am curious as to how you solved the puzzle without the anti-knight variant constraint. If you don't mind, I'd appreciate the details in a hidden comment.

With that constraint, I believe the 1 star difficulty is fairly accurate (looking at the profiles of the solvers, there are several solvers who have solved very few puzzles and only lower rated puzzles)

am 25. April 2023, 10:20 Uhr von T1geR
Fun puzzle, I personally struggled to finish it after the break in so not sure if it's really a 1 star difficulty.

Zuletzt geändert am 25. April 2023, 16:11 Uhr

am 25. April 2023, 09:03 Uhr von VitP
This puzzle is considerably harder than a 1/5 would indicate. Definitely not a beginner puzzle !
The key is in the bends !
However, the knight's move constraint isn't needed.

@ VitP - I am curious why you say the "knight's move constraint isn't needed", when you did not solve the puzzle. With that constraint in effect, I believe the 1 star difficulty is fairly accurate (looking at the profiles of the solvers, there are several solvers who have solved very few puzzles and only lower rated puzzles).

Zuletzt geändert am 24. April 2023, 23:42 Uhr

am 24. April 2023, 21:28 Uhr von DarrenBurnett
I enjoyed this. Thanks for putting it together.

@ DarrenBurnett - I am glad you enjoyed it. Thank you for the kind words.

am 24. April 2023, 19:50 Uhr von Ryx
Adjusted thermos based on feedback

Angepasste Thermometer aufgrund von Rückmeldungen

Zuletzt geändert am 24. April 2023, 19:36 Uhr

am 24. April 2023, 19:07 Uhr von h5663454
Sucks...I can't understand what the thermometer in box 2 means...

Also, towards the end of the puzzle, I found a fatal structure. Combined with this messy thermometer... I still can't decide which answer is correct...

But it seems that this fatal structure has no effect on the solution code...

I can only say that I hope that when you design puzzles next time, DON’T design these parts that make it difficult for solvers...

@ h5663454 - I'm sorry you found such displeasure with this puzzle. Please leave a hidden comment with the fatal structure details, I would like to address that. As for the messy thermo, I thought it would be evident enough which one of the three bulbs would be the origin and the increase in numbers would be clear from there. But, I will look at doing something to clear that up.

Zuletzt geändert am 24. April 2023, 19:37 Uhr

am 24. April 2023, 19:07 Uhr von 28righthand
I am a bit confused about the 3 joined bulbs in box 2 ?

@ 28righthand - I'm sorry about that. I thought it would be evident enough which one of the three bulbs would be the origin and the increase in numbers would be clear from there. But, I will look at doing something to clear that up.

Bewertung:80 %
Gelöst:124 mal
Beobachtet:13 mal


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