(Eingestellt am 8. April 2023, 12:00 Uhr von ViKingPrime)
Normal Sudoku rules apply.
Arrow: The
value of digits along an arrow must sum to the value in its originating circle.
Killer: The value of digits within a cage must sum to the number in the top-left corner (if given).
Nosferatu: There are 9
Nosferatu cells contained within the grid comprised of a set of the digits from 1-to-9. Each row, column and box contains exactly one Nosferatu cell. There are nine 9
Prey cells contained within the grid following the same rules as the Nosferatu cells. A cell may have only one of these roles.
for Arrow/Killer values
Prey cells contribute
no value (0).
Nosferatu cells contribute the
sum of the digits in the Nosferatu cell and Prey cell within the same box.
You know what's scarier than vampires?
...or maybe bedbugs. I don't know why little stubby sudoku arrows remind me of bloodsucking insects but that's the inspiration (and I'm deeply sorry).
Here are some puzzles from other setters using the same constraint:
Vampires by Mad-Tyas
Vampires' Secret by lepton
An example puzzle will follow to better illustrate the rules.
Have fun!
Solve in f-puzzles!
Solve in SudokuPad!
Note: It is recommended you turn off the conflict checker during your solve.
Solve in SudokuPad (with solution) ...beware of spoilers!
Lösungscode: The digits along Row 7, left-to-right, then the digits along Column 3, top-to-bottom.
Zuletzt geändert am 18. Oktober 2024, 17:08 Uhr
Gelöst von cornish-john, AvavaAvA, Gryllulus, OhHeyGuysItsMax, Mad-Tyas, ScatterBrain, Paquet Voleur, Jlrice2, shadow-nexus, Chishiri, KyubiBoy, AvonD, bansalsaab, Krokant, Abbott Abbott, Sewerin, starelev5, mezkur7, jakestilesowen
am 14. Dezember 2024, 18:27 Uhr von jakestilesowen
This was a pleasing difficulty all the way through. The break-ins were varied in technique and how much they unlocked.
Zuletzt geändert am 11. April 2023, 20:21 Uhram 9. April 2023, 17:19 Uhr von Paquet Voleur
Another great puzzle from you, and a first sudoku with vampire cells for me. I had loads of fun solving it. Thank you so much for the great settings!
Thank you so much! Your comments always brighten my day <3 - VKP
Zuletzt geändert am 11. April 2023, 20:18 Uhram 9. April 2023, 13:47 Uhr von ScatterBrain
I have no idea how you could set such a puzzle. It was hard enough solving it. But thanks for doing this. It took hours just to solve it. It didn't give up its secrets easily!
Thank you for your solve, it means a lot that you'd commit the time; and well done! Vampire puzzles (or any special cell puzzle, really) are never an easy feat - VKP
Zuletzt geändert am 13. April 2023, 02:36 Uhram 9. April 2023, 13:00 Uhr von Mad-Tyas
Really great to see another puzzle with this ruleset. It's always a lot of fun to solve those puzzles using modifiers as a scattered extra region with the digits from 1-9. And especially if there are two such sets that interact with each other.
I also know how difficult it can be to set these puzzles. So thank you very much, ViKingPrime!
EDIT: I should be thanking you for the wonderful rule-set, you're the inspiration for all of these. Your original Vampire puzzle is still my all time favourite. - VKP