Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

(Just Anti-Knight) ⟶ JAK-6

(Eingestellt am 7. April 2023, 00:37 Uhr von Stargazing Albatross)

Part 6 of the JAK series: Sudoku with 'Just Anti-Knight' besides the normal rules. (the previous puzzles are: here.) - Enjoy! :-)


Normal sudoku rules apply.

Anti-Knight's move: Cells separated by a knight's move (in chess) cannot contain the same digit.

The puzzle:

Solve in CtC / SudokuPad

Solve in f-puzzles

Lösungscode: column 1 (top to bottom)

Gelöst von Greg, asver, cdwg2000, Mr.CHEN, norbijunior, Chefofdeath, Jlrice2, Lozzo, hannahh, Hajuhn, Enkerro, Cypher, tiuhto, Pigeo, pepe74287, NeroChaos, zrbakhtiar, DanScacca, Raistlen, jalebc, ForzaFcu, ... augsod, PinkNickels, galium_odoratum, jadezki, neinina98, misko, k2u5as, wang, tgstar, apendleton, slowbiex, asii, chillid028, tiredsudoku, mediumok, koiking, sealsinthesoup, richliaofs, Cliff
Komplette Liste


Zuletzt geändert am 9. April 2023, 22:14 Uhr

am 9. April 2023, 04:58 Uhr von Tingo
I'm very much enjoying your JAK puzzle series. Thanks for setting and sharing!

Thank you Tingo! I'm happy to bring some joy! - SA :)

Zuletzt geändert am 9. April 2023, 22:13 Uhr

am 8. April 2023, 15:10 Uhr von sujoyku
Thanks for the next beautiful part of your anti-knight series, Stargazing Albatross! At first, I thought the puzzle was a little easier because I quickly made a lot of progress. But then the end game felt surprisingly tough (such that I suspect I missed some easier steps).
Anyhow, the solve has been good fun. Thanks for sharing!

- Thanks sujoyku! I guess 'Scorpion' would be a good nickname for this puzzle haha -SA

Zuletzt geändert am 9. April 2023, 22:03 Uhr

am 8. April 2023, 05:50 Uhr von obi
Nice flow!

- Thanks Obi! - SA

Zuletzt geändert am 7. April 2023, 22:52 Uhr

am 7. April 2023, 20:09 Uhr von Mason_Jones4
Very nice Anti-Knight as usual! I did get pretty stuck with a triplet of numbers close to the end that I had to sorta bifurcate to resolve, but I may have just been missing the intended method.

- Thank you Mason! I'm glad you enjoy them! Personally, one of my favourite approaches when I get stuck is to use colour markings. This tends to work quite well with the Anti-Knight constraint. - SA

Bewertung:87 %
Gelöst:195 mal
Beobachtet:13 mal

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