Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

9x9 Chaos Construction: Minesweeper

(Eingestellt am 11. April 2023, 00:03 Uhr von SudokuExplorer)

Chaos Construction rules:
Divide the grid into nine regions with nine orthogonally connected cells. Every row, column and region contains each number from 1 to 9 exactly once.

Minesweeper rules:
A number in a circle indicates, how many of the up to nine surrounding cells (including the circled cell) belong to the same region as the circled cell.
All possible circles are given.

You can try this on Penpa+ or CTC-App. Enjoy!

Lösungscode: Enter the 3rd row and 4th column, placing a hyphen for any internal border edge in each line.

Zuletzt geändert -

Gelöst von henrypijames, KNT, TimE, bigger, Playmaker6174, Vebby, rmn, Tom-dz, Storm, drbs, CaneloC, cdwg2000, Simba, lerroyy, Dina, jkuo7, marcmees, KMRD, Giroud, DJdoku, bansalsaab, Piatato, Elliptical, ... akamchinjir, cmb, Jesper, ns08, Gliperal, Silverstep, BHUNTER47, pkp, codewizard, Allagem, by81996672, peacherwu2, JackFrost117, h5663454, Snookerfan, madhupt, dogfarts, happyteo, steeto, Vollkorn
Komplette Liste


am 31. März 2024, 20:53 Uhr von madhupt
This is one tough nut to crack! So difficult throughout, would love to see the intended solve path. I really had to wade through this! Incredible.

am 22. Februar 2024, 18:12 Uhr von Snookerfan
Incredible puzzle. Very, very hard from start to finish. I finished this today after giving up last year. Thank you

am 4. Mai 2023, 17:54 Uhr von codewizard
That was probably the hardest one I've manage to solve. Which doesn't say much... It was very engaging throughout though :)

am 15. April 2023, 02:43 Uhr von Elliptical
That was a tough one! I really liked it :)

Zuletzt geändert am 15. April 2023, 00:58 Uhr

am 15. April 2023, 00:57 Uhr von Piatato
Very challenging, but all the more satisfying! It really felt good to see that every little piece of obscure logic that somehow got squeezed out of this piece of granite led to a solution. I have no idea how you managed to eke out this puzzle, but thanks for doing so!

am 14. April 2023, 18:45 Uhr von bansalsaab
Made mistakes along the way but perseverance paid off. Small deductions but lot of those were multi steps and then in the end even the irregular sudoku is not straightforward

am 13. April 2023, 19:04 Uhr von Giroud
Wonderful! Loved the break-in, then the irregular sudoku logic and variety of region building logic.

am 13. April 2023, 10:42 Uhr von SudokuExplorer
Thank you all for giving it a go! It was a fun challenge to set a puzzle with no givens with this ruleset, and made me come up with different tricks for different stages of the solve. I hope those who spotted them enjoyed it, and I will in the near future add a hidden comment for learning purposes. :-)

am 13. April 2023, 09:38 Uhr von marcmees
nice and smooth entry to make one think this will be an easy one. wrong idea. lots of fun. thanks.

am 12. April 2023, 21:27 Uhr von Dina
One of the hardest puzzles I've solved. A variety of different logical ideas needed for sure, surprising given the simplicity of the rules.

am 12. April 2023, 00:19 Uhr von drbs
Madness. This puzzle is so hard, I guess Simon Anthony will need 60 minutes to figger it out.

am 11. April 2023, 10:27 Uhr von Playmaker6174
If it's possible, I would give this one borderline 6/5 difficulty. Very very hard from start to finish, the opening was already quite a workout, but then there came the cruel top part with constant irregular tricks being used from that point. Pure madness, but very rewarding to me at the end.

am 11. April 2023, 09:26 Uhr von TimE
Very challenging from start to finish, needed to take couple of breaks. Super pleased to spot some cool logic!

am 11. April 2023, 08:50 Uhr von KNT
I would love to know the logical solve path- or even know what parts of the logical solve path were supposed to be. This is a rare solve where I honestly had to brute force my way through every stage of the solve - beginning to end.

Zuletzt geändert am 11. April 2023, 07:26 Uhr

am 11. April 2023, 07:23 Uhr von henrypijames
Much more difficult than it looks at first glance, requires some advanced techniques for irregular sudoku as well.

Bewertung:90 %
Gelöst:45 mal
Beobachtet:11 mal

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