Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Schreedinger's Cat

(Eingestellt am 15. März 2023, 22:49 Uhr von Christounet)

I got the idea of this puzzle after watching Simon Anthony solve my previous S-cell puzzle, saying something about "a surplus of Schrödinger cells". I thus tried to take the S-cell concept to the next level, i.e. make those cells contain not 2, but 3 digits ! As this might be daunting, I wanted to try and set something rather easy first. So I focused on making a cute design related to this theme, with a weird looking cat's head and body. Hence the title. This rule actually seems to have potential, so I might set something more "serious" with it if this one is appreciated.

Rules :

- Normalish sudoku rules apply : Put the digits 0-9 into each row column and box once each. In order to allow this, each row, column, and box will have one "Schreedinger-cell" which contains exactly 3 digits.

The value of any "Schreedinger-cell" is the sum of its 3 digits. This will affect the arithmetic on arrows, renbans, german whispers and kropki dots.

- Arrows : digits/numbers along an arrow sum to the value in that arrow's circle.

- Renban : digits/numbers on a renban (purple lines) form a set of non repeating consecutive digits/numbers in any order.

- German Whispers : digits/numbers along a whisper line must differ by at least 5.

- Quadruples : the digits contained in the small white circles must each appear at least once in the 4 surrounding cells.

- Kropki :black dots separate digits/numbers that have a 1:2 ratio.

- Note that 2 of the renbans and 2 of the german whispers join cells that are a "chess knight's move" apart. For example, R6C1 and R5C3 must differ by at least 5.

Solve with CTC webapp.

No answer trigger on this one, because it messed up the position of the lines.

This shouldn't be too hard once the concept is understood, which should be quick if you're already familiar with S-cells. Probably between 1 and 2/5.

Enjoy ! And consider giving feedback if you appreciate the puzzle !

You can check out my other puzzles here if you liked this one.

Lösungscode: The content of all Schreedinger cells, from top to bottom (the content of each cell must be in ascending numerical order)

Zuletzt geändert am 15. März 2023, 22:55 Uhr

Gelöst von ViKingPrime, hoopsie, amarins, Chriso, Koalagator2, madhupt, efnenu, kublai, Leaub, Mr_tn, Dag H, francklg88, OutOfMyMindBRB, tuturitu, Niverio, CahounCZ, peterkp, Paquet Voleur, dlandrum17, ... Bellsita, hoogachakka, smckinley, michaal94, zhall12570, zrbakhtiar, lukeyy, juhish, Crul, vmirandaa, KlausRG, Lurcane, Koba, PippoForte, Shmartus, Montikulum, MaNCS, wuc, Dester, Piatato, areigner
Komplette Liste


am 1. Juli 2024, 23:22 Uhr von Piatato
Very charming!

am 2. März 2024, 13:11 Uhr von wuc
Loved it. Proud that I got a 3 star in one flow. Thx awesome logic.

Zuletzt geändert am 9. Mai 2023, 18:23 Uhr

am 9. Mai 2023, 13:51 Uhr von Superdamicobros
Very fun puzzle. I also had to rewind my solve a few times, but well worth it. Very nice rule set. Thanks you.
@Superdamicobros : Really glad you liked it ! Thanks for the feedback :)

Zuletzt geändert am 9. Mai 2023, 00:02 Uhr

am 8. Mai 2023, 23:57 Uhr von SimplePurpleFrog
This was a fun puzzle to solve, the constraint was very interesting, thank you.
@SimplePurpleFrog : Thanks for the kind comment ! Glad you enjoyed :)

Zuletzt geändert am 29. April 2023, 22:36 Uhr

am 29. April 2023, 22:23 Uhr von annaswan
This is one of my favorite puzzles ever. I got something wrong and had to start over completely because I didn't know where or when (although it was much faster the second time) and it's still one of my favorite puzzle-solving experiences. It's so creative and enjoyable to solve. Awesome job.
@annaswan : Thanks for this awesome comment ! I'm so glad when I learn that someone has had a unique solving experience with one of my puzzles :)
Setting puzzle is a great experience in itself, providing entertainment and joy is the next level !

Zuletzt geändert am 17. März 2023, 23:10 Uhr

am 17. März 2023, 21:44 Uhr von dlandrum17
I can't believe I was able to solve this. I got worried I wouldn't be able to at the end and I broke it once but I did it and it has made my day.
@dlandrum17 : Hey, nice of you to say that ! It does make my day too to receive nice comments like yours. It encourages me to keep doing what I'm doing :) Thanks !! Now you can move on to even more challenging puzzles I guess !

Zuletzt geändert am 17. März 2023, 13:53 Uhr

am 17. März 2023, 13:02 Uhr von Paquet Voleur
Le chat me rappelle un peu le chat du Rabbin :)
@Paquet Voleur : Excellent ! J'ai pensé à la même chose quand je construisais le puzzle ! En plus, j'aurais bien vu le chat du Rabbin se poser des questions existencielles autour de la thématique quantique et sa relation avec le divin. Mais un tel titre n'aurait peut être pas été compris de nos amis anglophones/germanophones !
@Christounet Le chat du Rabbin n'est pas sans une certaine logique, même si celle-ci est parfois un peu impertinente. Mais c'est aussi un peu votre cas, non? "You hear me Contructors? This is NOT friendly!" -Simon


Zuletzt geändert am 17. März 2023, 13:11 Uhr

am 17. März 2023, 08:12 Uhr von Niverio
Very cute cat :)
@Niverio : He is, isn't he ? And he likes to do math too ;)

Zuletzt geändert am 16. März 2023, 08:36 Uhr

am 16. März 2023, 03:04 Uhr von Chriso
Great puzzle. Also a great introduction to Schrödinger-cells. Looking forward to the next one
@Chriso : Thanks ! There will be more, I guess :)

Zuletzt geändert am 16. März 2023, 08:35 Uhr

am 16. März 2023, 00:46 Uhr von ViKingPrime
I was so excited to see this (and I'm proud to have solved it first!). Ever since watching Simon solve your last puzzle, I've been obsessed with Schrödinger cells; can't wait to see what you have in store for us next.
@ViKingPrime : Thanks ! I have one more puzzle with "classical" S-cells that I have yet to get tested. If you are looking for more S-cell excitement, you should be looking for puzzles with the "10-in-9" tag on the portal. Do check out the serie by starwarigami, who invented the concept I believe. Also, zetamath has done a couple interesting (Kodama, Archa), KNT and Niverio also, but those were significantly harder.

am 15. März 2023, 22:55 Uhr von Christounet
Clarified a point in the rules.

Bewertung:96 %
Gelöst:89 mal
Beobachtet:14 mal


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