Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Spurious Skyscrapers

(Eingestellt am 12. März 2023, 13:54 Uhr von Yawnus)

I was trying to set a skyscraper sudoku with thermos and other stuff, but everything went WROGN!

The puzzle is dedicated to DiMono, the inventor of the "wrogn" subgenre, and the first (and as of now, the only) person to solve my Invisible Arrows :)

Ratings and feedback are very much appreciated. I hope you enjoy the puzzle!
Solve at F-Puzzles or CTC (with solution check).


Normal sudoku rules apply.
The digits along a thermometer do NOT strictly increase from the bulb to the tip.
Digits in a dotted cage do NOT sum to the indicated total.
Digits in cells separated by a white dot are NOT consecutive.
The clues outside the grid are NOT valid skyscraper clues that indicate the number of visible digits along the row/column when higher digits block the view of lower digits behind them.

The puzzle is quite hard (my estimate is 4.5/5), but no guessing, bifurcations or long deduction chains are needed at any stage. In case you need help, you can always check the Walkthrough

Lösungscode: Row 6

Gelöst von Gryllulus, Leonard Hal, halakani, StefanSch, SKORP17, Banana, bansalsaab, Jesper, amarins, Krokant, abed hawila, galgamer, polar, peacherwu2, 5Head, Ulistef, Gnosis66, by81996672, SuWi, SashaBu, Statistica, Sewerin, Da Letter El
Komplette Liste


am 19. März 2023, 20:23 Uhr von 5Head
Very cool! The break in had me shaking my head for a while. Thank you for setting!

Zuletzt geändert am 14. März 2023, 19:26 Uhr

am 14. März 2023, 18:49 Uhr von peacherwu2
Beautiful path. Never understood the ratings.
@peacherwu2, thank you for the feedback! Maybe some ratings have been given in the spirit of the puzzle :D

am 13. März 2023, 11:49 Uhr von Krokant
This is a great wrogn puzzle. Very nice solve. :)

am 12. März 2023, 16:10 Uhr von halakani
Smooth and not as difficult as it seems.

am 12. März 2023, 15:23 Uhr von Leonard Hal
Very nice! There is a smooth and interesting path to the solution.

Bewertung:91 %
Gelöst:23 mal
Beobachtet:8 mal

Lösung abgeben

