Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Eingestellt am 7. März 2023, 22:49 Uhr von Jay Dyer)

This puzzle was inspired by mathpesto's puzzle Samurai Sandwiches. I'd been considering making a doubler/skyscraper puzzle for a while, but had trouble finding a satisfying implementation of the idea. Doing it in a samurai grid offered some interesting opportunities though.


  • The puzzle consists of five overlapping 6x6 sudokus.
  • In each 6x6 grid, the digits 1-6 appear once each in each row, column, and region, and six cells (one per row/column/region) are doublers, and have values equal to double their digits. Each digit is doubled once in each grid.
  • Each cell represents a skyscraper, with a height equal to its value. A clue outside the grid gives the number of skyscrapers visible in that row/column from the clue's end, where skyscrapers block the view of skyscrapers with the same or lower height behind them. Gaps between grids do not block the view.

Solve in Sudokupad or Penpa+.

Lösungscode: The digits in row 3.

Zuletzt geändert am 12. März 2023, 23:25 Uhr

Gelöst von Bellsita, Myxo, MicroStudy, fjam, ClashCode, DVFrank, AvavaAvA, Ood, Snookerfan, TrollErgoSum, bansalsaab, Jesper, Vebby, Hazem-77, Mr_tn, ddx01, galgamer, SKORP17, kjholt, cdwg2000, Jaych, OGRussHood, cha, polar, damasosos92, Statistica, hoogachakka, TheBearBoi, Mikemerin, widjo
Komplette Liste


am 16. Juni 2023, 08:24 Uhr von Statistica

am 7. Juni 2023, 19:45 Uhr von damasosos92
This puzzle took me months, but yeah, did it!

Zuletzt geändert am 13. März 2023, 20:54 Uhr

am 11. März 2023, 19:18 Uhr von kjholt
I sincerely have no idea where the break-in is for this but I know it must be very beautiful when I find it...

Edit: Absolutely correct. This puzzle is incredible and a little mean but so worth it. Immediate favorite even though it took hours to even get any progress for me.

am 9. März 2023, 00:06 Uhr von Jay Dyer
Added a rule clarification about clues seeing across gaps between grids.

am 8. März 2023, 19:38 Uhr von bansalsaab
Wow. That was some puzzle. I didnt know if i was on right path until middle of the solve because clue interaction was so brilliant.

am 8. März 2023, 19:09 Uhr von Snookerfan
Very nice and great fun! Thank you

am 8. März 2023, 00:00 Uhr von Myxo
Very nice puzzle with a smooth flow :) Enjoyed it a lot!

am 7. März 2023, 22:58 Uhr von Bellsita
Amazing puzzle! Amazing logic!

Bewertung:93 %
Gelöst:30 mal
Beobachtet:6 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool

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