Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Disjoint Hypothermia

(Eingestellt am 3. März 2023, 07:46 Uhr von meggen033)

Solve with CTC, f-puzzles or Penpa+

Normal Sudoku rules apply.

Disjoint Sets: Digits must not repeat at corresponding box positions.

Thermo: Digits along each thermometer must increase starting from the bulb end.

Kropki: A black dot between cells indicates cell values with a 2:1 ratio. A white dot between cells indicates cells with consecutive values. Not all dots are shown.

Killer Cages: The digits in a cage must sum to the number printed in its corner. Digits may not repeat within a cage.

Happy Solving and God Bless!!!

Lösungscode: Enter Row 7 Digits, do not use spaces

Gelöst von scushuaishuai, Bjd, jalebc, OhHeyGuysItsMax, ThibautV, Iluvsodah, Ragna, AN_not_IO, mercierus, SKORP17, Azumagao, AvonD, SenatorGronk, achim-t, kkli, LUORISHENHAIA, wilsig, brandon_bot, giladooshlon, ... PippoForte, lovely, LadyShapeShifter, ScienceNerd2240, Gotroch, misko, PinkNickels, MaxSmartable, Carolin, Megalobrainiac, noodlehead, NEWS, HighEagle, flaemmchen, finger, AKropki, dendrobium
Komplette Liste


am 9. Mai 2023, 18:25 Uhr von 99%Sneaky
Very pleasant puzzle, smooth logic throughout, especially for a disjoint puzzle :)

am 3. März 2023, 14:22 Uhr von Ragna
Das hat Spaß gemacht. Dankeschön! :-))

Bewertung:93 %
Gelöst:57 mal
Beobachtet:8 mal

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