Don't be put off by the ruleset. Basically points 1 and 2 are standard for variant sudoku, and point 3 is explained in the example at the bottom of the page. Once you have got them it leads to a nice solve path, so give it a go!
1) Normal sudoku rules apply.
2) Traditional cage, kropki dots, XV and odd/even rules apply:
Lösungscode: Column 9 from top to bottom.
am 29. März 2023, 19:42 Uhr von BenTen
Digit added into puzzle to avoid having to make an assumption. (See efnenu's comment).
am 29. März 2023, 01:00 Uhr von efnenu
Smashing puzzle! I was only able to solve it after assuming that the red cells HAD TO actively contradict the divisibility rules (though there might have been another way).
I'm really looking forward to this series!
Thank you efnenu! :)
That's a good point and it has got me thinking!
It wasn't my intention to have that as a condition, and I'm pretty sure that column 1 and the two red cells on their own in column 9 are solvable through other logic.
The only cell that I'm not so sure on is the digit at cell row1column4 which I may have made this assumption during my solve path. I will need to look at this later!
Thanks for your comment. At the moment I have one more prepared for this series but it is going to be a tough one! ;)