Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Ring Killer

(Eingestellt am 6. März 2023, 14:36 Uhr von lars)

• Normal Sudoku rules apply.
Killer: Digits within a cage sum to the number given in the top-left corner. Digits may repeat if allowed by other rules.
Kropki: Digits separated by a white dot are consecutive. Digits separated by a black dot are in a 1:2 ratio.

Play online on F-Puzzles

Play online on Sudokupad

Lösungscode: Row 6, Column 3 (18 digits)

Zuletzt geändert am 7. März 2023, 10:32 Uhr

Gelöst von cathematician, h5663454, GrizzledStoat, cdwg2000, MonsieurTRISTE, tiuhto, SKORP17, NineK, Iluvsodah, jalebc, Marcos, EyemaPlumm, nunc, slowbiex, SenatorGronk, wjdrumm, achim-t, hannahh, AvonD, Sabs, ... ParaNox, Barrels, Saskia, josemadre, zorant, Montikulum, Roberto, bwett, Carolin, Felis_Timon, PippoForte, PinkNickels, trashghost, SacredBolero, radium, dingledork, pepe74287, Lodinn, augsod, cozoq
Komplette Liste


am 30. April 2023, 11:17 Uhr von Saskia
Thanks slowbiex for the tip for this or another Sudoku. I knew there was a "rule", but not what it was called or looked like :)

am 8. März 2023, 10:07 Uhr von qwert2812
@slowbiex I don't think knowing the phistomefel ring help that much, you skip like at most 1 step.

am 7. März 2023, 10:32 Uhr von lars
Added Sudokupad link.

am 6. März 2023, 22:13 Uhr von slowbiex
if you know about the phistomefel ring, it is not too hard.
thx for setting.

am 6. März 2023, 21:17 Uhr von nunc
Nice interactions! Thank you!

Bewertung:88 %
Gelöst:90 mal
Beobachtet:9 mal

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