Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Determined Romans (fog of war, XV, determinants)

(Eingestellt am 24. Februar 2023, 22:23 Uhr von alhobj)

The Romans are determined to expand north and west from Rome. Hidden in the fog of war are the Germanic tribes and the Celts.

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Fog of war: More of the grid will reveal itself when correct digits are entered. It is ok to enter digits in the fog.

XV: Digits on each side of a V has to sum to 5 and digits on each side of a X has to sum to 10. All Vs and Xs are given.

Determinants: Dots give the determinant of the 2x2 matrix surrounding that dot. Dots are colour coded:

  • Roman red = -79
  • Roman bronze = 3
  • Germanic black = 0
  • Celtic blue = 54
  • Celtic green = -39
The determinant is calculated by using the four cells surrounding the dots; multiplying the top left cell (tl) by the bottom right cell (br) and subtracting the product of the top right cell (tr) and the bottom left cell (bl). So the formula is: tl x br - tr x bl. Or see the picture below

CTC Link: https://www.tinyurl.com/mtfpmtxm

Lösungscode: Row 1 and row 3. 18 digits no spaces

Gelöst von Banana, Iluvsodah, michalil, WithIceCream, Raistlen, kublai, atomium, SKORP17, efnenu, dskaff, Notlob, Fizz, h5663454, PinkNickels, GorgeousNicko, Goofy, Timwi, MontanaPearl, yukysh, Syzorz, pjhiatt, ... Vegan_warior, RobJH, Kachow, BeeBoi, r0the, dielilla, toboed, ArmagedDan, gollum999, kapostolou, zuzanina, Runald Waschlap, achambers2010, twelvefour, edd, valiantlake, Baconator, puzzledcoop
Komplette Liste


am 17. Oktober 2024, 04:04 Uhr von DiMono
Did not use the negative constraint. Still a 1 star difficulty.

am 29. Juni 2024, 02:02 Uhr von ostio456
A new set rule set for me! being partially colourblind i almost skipped this, but with the help of my sister to decipher between the blue and green it proved to be a great puzzle. Thank you!

am 10. Januar 2024, 00:33 Uhr von ave
Scary ruleset, but I'm glad I've tried it. Really not that hard after the 2nd determinant.
Thanks for the puzzle, alhobj! :)

am 17. August 2023, 09:31 Uhr von DonQuichopp
Awesome! Like so many others at the beginning I thought, nah, that's a pass for me. But then I re-read the rules, thought I'd give it a go and enjoyed it very much /-))

am 20. Juli 2023, 10:24 Uhr von vorash00

am 8. Juli 2023, 03:44 Uhr von lapazhu
great idea for a variant, would love to see more determinant based puzzles

am 27. Juni 2023, 23:29 Uhr von Aeneryss
Very nice sudoku :) I got a bit scared by the rules but it was actually quite easy to use them while solving

I had a bit of a pause on a brown dot - it looks very yellow on my screen so I got a bit confused, but I assumed that it was brown and it worked!

Zuletzt geändert am 13. März 2023, 22:40 Uhr

am 6. März 2023, 00:28 Uhr von patolucatis
I think the puzzle's broken for me, nothing appears at all when I open it, not even the fog of war.

Weird. I just tried it on mac, pc and my phone with three different browsers and it worked for all of them.


Okay, it was an issue with my browser. Changed it and it's solved, hats off for making such a fun fog of war sudoku!

Great that you fixed it and tried my puzzle again! Thank you for the kind words!

Zuletzt geändert am 28. Februar 2023, 20:40 Uhr

am 27. Februar 2023, 23:11 Uhr von ImMitchell
Super cool solve. Linear algebra shows up when you least expect it!

Thank you! As a math teacher I am happy to hear that!

Zuletzt geändert am 26. Februar 2023, 12:35 Uhr

am 26. Februar 2023, 01:02 Uhr von Ragna
I love FOW!
Thank you for this wonderful puzzle! That was fun!
The ruleset is unusual. But once you understand the rules, whitch is not soo heavy, it flows trough the hole puzzle. :-))

Me too! And for a newbie puzzle-setter like me I think it is easier to make a puzzle when only parts of the puzzle are visible.

Thank you so much for your kind comment, it makes me want to try and make more puzzles!

Zuletzt geändert am 26. Februar 2023, 12:33 Uhr

am 25. Februar 2023, 21:52 Uhr von sacklunch
Straightforward and fun! I agree with ThibautV that the negative constraint isn't needed, but it was a unique and enjoyable ruleset. Thanks for sharing!

Thank you! You are correct, see my answer to ThibautV :)

Zuletzt geändert am 26. Februar 2023, 12:31 Uhr

am 25. Februar 2023, 19:12 Uhr von ThibautV
Very nice puzzle!
(I didn't use the negative constraint for the V and X, maybe I took an illegal shortcut?)

Thank you! I used the negative contraint a few times per puzzle version while builing this. I missed that it was not needed for the final version until I saw wenchangs solve. But this is only the second puzzle I have made and I am not very good at solving yet ;)

Zuletzt geändert am 26. Februar 2023, 12:22 Uhr

am 25. Februar 2023, 15:50 Uhr von LoverOfPi
Wow, a masterclass of puzzle!

Thank you! If you are a lover of Pi maybe you will enjoy my puzzle Pi e Prime Phi Py https://logic-masters.de/Raetselportal/Raetsel/zeigen.php?id=000CPO where you place digits of Pi?

Zuletzt geändert am 26. Februar 2023, 12:36 Uhr

am 25. Februar 2023, 15:16 Uhr von kommandoking
Really nice puzzle, thanks!

Thank you for your kind comment!

Zuletzt geändert am 26. Februar 2023, 12:26 Uhr

am 25. Februar 2023, 13:25 Uhr von heliosfant
Same here, first I thought I will not bother with such complex rules, but then tried it anyways and it was super nice and fun.

Thank you!

Zuletzt geändert am 26. Februar 2023, 12:25 Uhr

am 25. Februar 2023, 11:45 Uhr von Lorff
Really liked this constraint (to my own surprise). Thank you for this nice puzzle!

Thank you!

Zuletzt geändert am 26. Februar 2023, 12:24 Uhr

am 25. Februar 2023, 08:00 Uhr von DarrenBurnett
When I read the rule set I was about to skip it. However, I took the plunge and gave it a go. Far smoother than I had expected. Thanks for putting this together.

Thank you for the kind feedback!

Zuletzt geändert am 26. Februar 2023, 12:40 Uhr

am 25. Februar 2023, 05:57 Uhr von wenchang
NICE and Smooth! Spoiler alert!

Thank you! It was very fun to watch you solve my puzzle. I am having my friend who has lived in China watch your video and translate some of it for me :)

Zuletzt geändert am 26. Februar 2023, 12:23 Uhr

am 24. Februar 2023, 23:02 Uhr von WithIceCream
Fun puzzle; I was pleasantly surprised by how smooth the determinant logic was. Thanks!

Thank you! So was I!

Bewertung:88 %
Gelöst:336 mal
Beobachtet:11 mal

Arithmetikrätsel Tetrominos

Lösung abgeben

