Lösungscode: Row 5 and column 1.
am 13. Dezember 2024, 02:20 Uhr von alzika
Quick and fun 15 minute solve. I really enjoyed this. It deserves higher than the 86% rating it has in my opinion.
am 5. Dezember 2023, 23:32 Uhr von cascadeshiker
Thanks for the puzzle. I found the break-in to be about 1.5 stars, but after that everything fell into place very easily -- not really much to think about.
am 22. September 2023, 15:36 Uhr von KingIsulgard
Took me 3 retries to realize I switched up the polarisation -_-.
am 22. Februar 2023, 14:31 Uhr von HZK
Wow,excellent and fun puzzle.
am 22. Februar 2023, 02:02 Uhr von anyeyeball
Nice twist on the German Whispers. Excellent puzzle as always. Thanks.
am 21. Februar 2023, 03:34 Uhr von wenchang
VERY NICE! Thanks @Will Power
Spoiler alert! https://youtu.be/cCvnvQVlwoM
am 20. Februar 2023, 22:16 Uhr von sdlay2
I was actually laughing throughout, such a small adjustment to the rules but it's such a natural solve. Love it Will!
am 20. Februar 2023, 08:23 Uhr von sacklunch
Oooh, excellent puzzle. Whispers are my favorite constraint, and I hadn't seen this restricted version before. Such fun, thanks @Will!
am 19. Februar 2023, 20:13 Uhr von mattjhussey
So much fun I solved it twice. First time when I read that it was Column 1 Row 6 and Column 2 Row 5 with the kropki, and again once I did it right :D
Great fun both times.
@mattjhussey Thanks for your comments. Are you the same Matthew Hussey from YouTube? Kudos if you are. Peace. -Will Power
No. Not the same person, but I do gets lots of emails for him.
am 19. Februar 2023, 08:15 Uhr von krzysztof.kiemel
Nice puzzle
am 19. Februar 2023, 02:57 Uhr von dlandrum17
@Will Power I have been following your puzzles for a long time. I don't always put the solution code after I solve it because there is no easy way to transfer so I'm having to go back and forth between tabs to do it. You do tons of German whispers which is my favorite constraint. Love your puzzles. Keep them coming. I'm stuck on one of your other new ones Caught in the crossfire II. Maybe I'll eventually get unstuck on it.
am 19. Februar 2023, 00:48 Uhr von MarthaB
Challenging (for me) but fun. Thank you, Will Power, for your great puzzles.
am 18. Februar 2023, 21:47 Uhr von dlandrum17
I've never met a Will Power puzzle that I didn't love
@dlandrum17 Wow. Thank you for the encouragement. Have you listed my puzzles and finished some of my earlier ones? You would probably see how my style has evolved over time. Have a great day. -Will Power