...Stay On Target!
(Eingestellt am 21. Februar 2023, 15:00 Uhr von ViKingPrime)
Normal Sudoku rules apply.
Diagonal: Digits along each diagonal must not repeat.
Killer: The
value of digits within a Killer cage must sum to the number given in the top-left corner. Digits
must not repeat within a Killer cage.
Look-and-Say: The number given in the top-left corner of a Look-and-Say cage indicates the number and type of digits within that cage (
e.g. if a Look-and-Say cage reads as "12" then there is one 2-digit within that cage; a "32" would indicate three 2-digits within that cage). Digits
may repeat if allowed by other rules.
Cage Ambiguity: The nature of each cage must be determined by the solver (
if relevant).
Mobius: Each separate instance of the digit 1 may be considered as having the value of either 1
or 10 (
but not both).
This is a more challenging puzzle than the previous entry entitled
"Stay On Target". Please don't let that discourage you, as once you've uncovered the break-in the puzzle is much less intimidating.
An example puzzle will follow to better illustrate the rules.
Have fun!
Solve in f-puzzles!
Solve in SudokuPad!
Note: It is recommended you turn off the conflict checker during your solve (having a solution inputted provided unintentional spoilers during testing).
Solve in SudokuPad (with solution) ...beware of spoilers!
Lösungscode: The digits along Row 5, left-to-right, then the digits along Column 5, top-to-bottom.
Zuletzt geändert am 18. Oktober 2023, 20:47 Uhr
Gelöst von Leira, StefanSch, lianarox, akodi, Maroet, Jaych, Dermerlin, Taratang, Slink, Jodelbanane, Paquet Voleur, codewizard, F53710, PippoForte, Sewerin, Calesch, radium, victarus, KyubiBoy, oskode
Zuletzt geändert am 21. Februar 2023, 21:53 Uhram 21. Februar 2023, 21:07 Uhr von Leira
EDIT: I'm so glad you liked it! Thank you so much for trying it out <3 - VKP