The Merry-Go-Round
(Eingestellt am 18. Februar 2023, 20:52 Uhr von EricRathbun)
- Normal Sudoku Rules apply.
- Normal Killer Cage rules apply.
- Digits cannot repeat along the diagonals.
- Digits separated by the white dot have a difference of one.
- Gray lines are palindromes that read the same frontwards and backwards.
The puzzle can be played here:
Hope you enjoy the puzzle. Comments appreciated.

Lösungscode: Top row
Gelöst von jalebc, kkli, ViKingPrime, dskaff, nmmc123, MontanaPearl, SKORP17, Steve360, AvonD, AlSina, Marcos, apendleton, Rawcoder, lianarox, mobiustrip, PinkNickels, Uhu, saskia-daniela, flaemmchen, ... The1Lenny, Prince Joffrey, roscommon, geronimo92, KingIsulgard, madhupt, morgannamodeaura, houeland, Leilalu222, Illuminated, michaal94, HighEagle, GoogleEnPassant, Bobbobert, finger, OldManJoe9