(Eingestellt am 15. Februar 2023, 19:00 Uhr von XeonRisq)
- Normal sudoku rules apply.
- Numbers along an arrow must sum to the number shown in the circled cells.
- Every 2x2 square of cells must contain a low digit (1,2,3), middle digit (4,5,6) and high digit (7,8,9).
- F-puzzles link
- link to solve online
- CtC link
- link to solve online
Lösungscode: Row 8 followed by Column 2
Zuletzt geändert -
Gelöst von apendleton, Bjd, OutOfMyMindBRB, hungkenchanlee, karen_birgitta, T.T., Crusader175, MonsieurTRISTE, Nunya, Azumagao, Mad-Tyas, OhHeyGuysItsMax, AvonD, galium_odoratum, unterwasserboot, asver, ... bolado, ocular, Paquet Voleur, Dentones, lianarox, bansalsaab, AParliamentofOwls, h5663454, Bankey, Blake Saligia, PippoForte, flipout, SeveNateNine, isajo4002, -Tsigje-, Elliott810, finger, tgstar
Zuletzt geändert am 25. Mai 2023, 18:51 Uhram 21. Mai 2023, 00:39 Uhr von Bankey
That was fun! Thanks, @ XeonRisq :)
Glad you enjoyed this one. I did find some of those arrows quite surprising which probably added to the entertainment value you were finding..