No variants this time, but this is among my favorite puzzles that i've created. I hope you'll like it too!
PS: If you'd like to start with an easier Pentopia (or simply solve more of my puzzles), you might want to check out my PuzzleSquareJP page :)
Rules: Standard Pentopia rules
Standard Pentopia: Place some of the given pentominoes in the grid so that no pentominoes are in adjacent cells that share an edge or corner. Pentominoes cannot repeat in the grid; rotations and reflections of a pentomino are considered the same shape. The arrow clues indicate all the directions (up, down, left, and right) where the nearest pentominoes are located when looking from that square. (Pentominoes cannot sit on the cells with arrow clues.) (Rules from GMPuzzles)
Lösungscode: All pentominos read from left to right in row 4 and row 11 (enter a single string of letters, each letter corresponding to a pentomino)
am 31. Oktober 2024, 14:14 Uhr von sfushidahardy
Amazing that this exists! Beautiful puzzle.
am 28. August 2024, 14:25 Uhr von ONeill
am 25. April 2023, 02:49 Uhr von konklone
I found it hard to believe this puzzle could work with so few clues, but there was more than met the eye! Very nicely done, and thank you for setting it!
am 18. April 2023, 04:10 Uhr von Gliperal
To have this many interesting logical steps in such a visually-pleasing grid is quite the feat!
am 16. April 2023, 17:39 Uhr von glum_hippo
Very enjoyable and clever
am 15. Februar 2023, 23:52 Uhr von Phistomefel
That puzzle had some fascinating tricks up its sleeves. Thank you so much for the construction, au voleur!
am 14. Februar 2023, 21:45 Uhr von Jesper
Cool puzzle, enjoyed it, thanks!
am 14. Februar 2023, 17:23 Uhr von KNT
Very unique construction, thanks!
am 14. Februar 2023, 10:38 Uhr von Statistica
Nice construction!
am 14. Februar 2023, 03:30 Uhr von szabog
Thank you