[Modifiers] 2.Sparkling X-Sums
(Eingestellt am 29. Januar 2023, 19:08 Uhr von AstralSky)
Normal Sudoku Rules apply.
- Arrows are Sparks: If the arrow digit is N, then the next N cells in the arrow direction receives +1 in Arithmetic value..The next N cells have to be within the grid. A cell can be affected by multiple arrows and if that`s the case, its arithmetic value affects stacks up.
- Wraparound X-Sums: Outside clues are X-Sum clues which tells you the sum of the first X cells where X equals to the Arithmetic Value of the first cell in that direction. If X > 9, it wraps around the grid.
- Clarifications:
Digit: The number put into that cell.Affecting Sparks range only.
Arithmetic Value: Arithmetic value will be greater than the digit in the cell when affected by Sparks, and affecting X-Sums clues only.
- Solving Link:here
Lösungscode: Column 6
Zuletzt geändert am 29. Januar 2023, 19:08 Uhr
Gelöst von WedgeOfCheese, Lepsionidas
am 29. Januar 2023, 19:08 Uhr von AstralSky
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