Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Eingestellt am 20. Januar 2023, 04:55 Uhr von chameleon)

Normal sudoku rules: put digits 1-9 into every row, column and region (divided by the thick lines) once each.
Standard thermometers: digits on thermometers increase starting from the bulb.

Play online: SudokuPad

Lösungscode: digits of row 2

Gelöst von MicroStudy, cdwg2000, mobiustrip, Megalobrainiac, Enkerro, h5663454, CahounCZ, dodomos, tuturitu, Ambrose, nunc, Chelo, mjozska1985, Jagga, MontyPython'sHolyAle, VeTaurus, samuella, Mrtn, cegie, ... dingledork, zrbakhtiar, TaeChi, okravetz, Tacosian, SDsign, scushuaishuai, rpmurphy1, Keyser, JayBird, Martini&Toto, sorryimLate, Pisu, Jdt112, Mikemerin, lmdemasi, isajo4002, m_busuttil
Komplette Liste


am 1. November 2023, 06:35 Uhr von SDsign
Sorry for the long story, but, speaking as a beginner to sudoku, I felt like I've gone on a journey of awakening with this puzzle!

My first solve was 2.5 hours long, and I felt like a total idiot, especially when I accidentally lost the solution code.

My second solve was roughly 2 hours long, and some of the logic with the non-standard regions started to click, but I still felt like I was bending over backwards to find some of the numbers. And I lost the solution code again!

Finally, during my third solve, which took an hour and 15 minutes, the thermo logic finally started to click, and I was able to see that this puzzle was never meant to be so mind-bendingly hard in the first place! I feel like I now have a better idea of what to look for when solving other similar puzzles now. Thanks!

am 17. August 2023, 11:31 Uhr von zrbakhtiar
Great example and usage of irregular sudoku trick here

Zuletzt geändert am 19. Mai 2023, 05:11 Uhr

am 19. Mai 2023, 05:11 Uhr von Tar-Roccorendil
I had to colour a bit to see some fun logic a third of the way into the puzzle.

It wasn't necessary, I was just being an idiot. Very nice puzzle, and apart from that I managed to keep a very satisfying pace.

am 29. April 2023, 03:53 Uhr von aliensfordonuts
I came back to this after an evening or so. I ended up solving most of the outside ring and the entire cross, and had a lot of nonsense in the middle boxes. I deleted my pencil markings and started redocumenting. Hit a lightbulb moment and finished rather fast. Thanks for this!

am 25. April 2023, 17:38 Uhr von GeorgeTheToad2
Looks can be deceptive. Enjoyed every minute. Thanks for sharing.

am 24. April 2023, 23:31 Uhr von geronimo92
LOL :)

am 21. Januar 2023, 21:43 Uhr von Schesam
Looked pretty easy but got stuck pretty fast. Then after one hour of very slow progress i got completly stuck for another hour. Then i started coloring a 23 pair around the grid which led me to the solution. Liked the last part very much!

am 20. Januar 2023, 23:17 Uhr von Fisherman
Not nearly as easy as it looks.

am 20. Januar 2023, 21:43 Uhr von explodingsnail
Loved the hidden logic in this one! Glad to find a great puzzle after a sudoku hiatus! :)

am 20. Januar 2023, 16:20 Uhr von puzzlepandit
Nice Arrangement of groups.

Bewertung:94 %
Gelöst:136 mal
Beobachtet:8 mal

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