Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

The final test (Deconstruction/Killer/Anti-Knight/Connect the dots)

(Eingestellt am 30. Dezember 2022, 03:17 Uhr von dumediat)

This puzzle is one that I created as a gift to filuta for the 2022 Secret Satan event organized by Gliperal. Thank you filuta for encouraging me to post this here!

Ratings, comments, and feedback are much appreciated! Please feel free to reach out to me on Discord if you have any comments or questions. Please also feel free to try my other puzzles here.


  • Deconstruction: Contained within the grid are nine non-overlapping 3x3 square regions which must be located. Each region contains the digits 1 to 9 once each, and digits cannot repeat in any row or column. Cells outside regions do not contain digits.
  • Anti-knight: Two cells separated by a knight's move (in chess) cannot contain the same digit.
  • Killer: In cages, digits sum to the small number in the top left corner of the cage. Digits cannot repeat within a cage; empty cells count as 13.
  • Dots: Dotted cells belong each to a different region and contain the digits 1 to 9 once each. Each dotted cell has a target cell of the same value, which must be orthogonally adjacent to and in the same region as the dotted cell containing the digit above it (1 is "above" 9 for this purpose).
  • Connect the dots: Each dotted cell forms a line segment taking the most direct straight path to its target cell, and every target cell forms a line segment with the dotted cell it is adjacent to. The loop formed by these line segments may not intersect itself, and the lengths of the line segments connecting two of the same digit must strictly increase as the corresponding digit increases.

Example puzzle: The following is an example puzzle, which you may try in Penpa+ here to familiarize yourself with the rules (using the digits 1 to 4 with four 2x2 regions)

Puzzle link:

Penpa+: https://tinyurl.com/2mquyzky

Please note: Penpa+ answer check requires correct digits, region borders, and loop lines.

Lösungscode: Row 3 (13 characters, using digits and "X" for empty cells)

Zuletzt geändert am 31. Dezember 2022, 17:51 Uhr

Gelöst von wisty, h5663454, by81996672, filuta, cha, amarins, kjholt, polar, Samish, ClashCode, fjam, Myxo, Bellsita, Jaych, rmn, Lyun Licuss, MorganLeah, pandiani42, TitaniaLowe, madhupt, Sewerin, Paletron
Komplette Liste


am 11. Januar 2024, 15:25 Uhr von madhupt
Beautiful puzzle! Did not realise early on the power of the line connecting the dots. All the rules meshed together so well for an extremely satisfying solve. Thanks a lot for setting and sharing this.

am 4. Januar 2023, 01:40 Uhr von Samish
Super fun puzzle whith such a creative ruleset! It doesn't look like anything I've solved before.
It was also much friendlier than what I'd prepared myself for, probably for the best :D

am 31. Dezember 2022, 17:51 Uhr von dumediat
Corrected example puzzle link

Zuletzt geändert am 31. Dezember 2022, 22:28 Uhr

am 31. Dezember 2022, 17:49 Uhr von kjholt
Just noting that your example links to a different example puzzle :) I guess I'm heading straight in the deep end with this one!
>>dumediat: So sorry about that! I fixed the link to the example puzzle, that's what I get for copy pasta!
>>Kjholt: no worries, somehow I managed it anyway! And I loved this one, 10/10 out of 10.
>>dumediat: Thank you so much! :)

am 30. Dezember 2022, 10:05 Uhr von filuta
certainly one of my puzzling highlights of 2022, very creative and super fun puzzle, thank you so much for such a great gift once again!

am 30. Dezember 2022, 09:17 Uhr von by81996672
Pretty good puzzle. Somehow I made up my own mind that the length between the lines is equivalent to the numbers at the ends, and that each grid passing by counts as length 1, a rule that is clearly not written, I was really fooled by myself.

Zuletzt geändert am 30. Dezember 2022, 04:24 Uhr

am 30. Dezember 2022, 03:31 Uhr von wisty
Such a unique ruleset! This was a blast to solve. The tricky part is definitely gaining a whole understanding of what shapes the loop can and cannot take due to the line segments increasing. Everything felt fair, and the sudoku itself was elegant and smooth.

Bewertung:100 %
Gelöst:22 mal
Beobachtet:9 mal

Variantenkombination Neu Online-Solving-Tool

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