Messier 74
(Eingestellt am 27. Dezember 2022, 00:34 Uhr von heliopolix )
Messier 74
Concise Rules:
- Normal Sudoku Rules Apply.
- Normal Double Arrow Rules Apply.
- Normal Difference Rules Apply.
- Normal Quadruple Rules Apply.
- Normal Renban Rules Apply. Renban lines continue where obscured by large circles.
Solve online in F-Puzzles or SudokuPad.
Have fun!
Streamers have permission to use this puzzle. Recommended betting cell is r4c9.
Inspiration for this puzzle comes from the magnificent Messier 74 galaxy.
Verbose Rules:
- Normal Sudoku rules apply. Digits 1 through 9 must appear once in each row, column, and box.
- Normal Renban rules apply. Purple lines are renban lines. Digits along each renban line must be a set of consecutive digits in any order, and must not repeat. Renban lines continue into (or through) cells where the line is obscured by a large circle.
- Normal Double Arrow rules apply. Grey lines are double arrow lines. The sum of the digits on a double arrow line is equal to the sum of the two digits in the circles that are connected by that line. Digits may be repeated on line-circle combinations.
- Normal Difference rules apply. Clues in circles between two cells indicate the difference between the digits in those two cells. Not all difference clues are given.
- Normal Quadruple rules apply. Circled digits where four cells meet must be present as values in those four cells.
Lösungscode: Column 9, top to bottom.
Zuletzt geändert am 2. Januar 2023, 00:51 Uhr
Gelöst von nunc, sasheo, Azumagao, Notlob, karen_birgitta, Megalobrainiac, Ragna, SKORP17, lepton, Banana, tobymgk, AvonD, galgamer, Mr.CHEN, cbattles, Baklin, zorant, Thirt3nth, saskia-daniela, relimation, OGRussHood, Crul, TerrierDarts, Scojo, PippoForte, zrbakhtiar, Jodelbanane, Sewerin, HenrikG, dendrobium, isajo4002, Uhu, ManuH, Across
am 12. April 2023, 00:55 Uhr von TerrierDarts
Thanks for a great puzzle!
am 2. Januar 2023, 00:51 Uhr von heliopolix
Added galaxy image.
am 30. Dezember 2022, 20:55 Uhr von heliopolix
Added streaming permission.
am 27. Dezember 2022, 01:17 Uhr von nunc
Very nice approachable puzzle. Thank you!
am 27. Dezember 2022, 00:57 Uhr von heliopolix
Fixed f-puzzles link.