Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Marble Encoder

(Eingestellt am 19. Dezember 2022, 09:41 Uhr von zegres)

This is the third Marble Run puzzle. This time there are a few new rule ideas. Let me know what you think in the comments.

Marble Run Series.

  1. Marble Run (CTC Solve, Zetamath Solve)
  2. Marble Madness (CTC Solve, Bremster Solve)
  3. Marble Encoder (Rangsk Solve)
  4. Marble Temple

Note: Sven put a feature into SudokuPad that lets you see the marble go.
Use the pen tool to draw the path or the marble and put in some circles.
Then go to settings and click: "Start Marble Run".


  • Normal Sudoku Rules Apply.
  • Find the path of the marble from R1C1 until it drops out of Row 9. The marble can only drop down a hole or go sideways. It can only visit a cell once.
  • Digits in column 9 give the location of the hole in their row.
    (for example, if R4C9 is a 6, the marble drops from R4C6 to R5C6)
  • There are clues in the grid.
    All clues that the marble crosses are wrogn! Others are correct.
    The marble must pass through the clue itself, not just a cell next to the clue.
    The affected clues are:
    • Xs join digits that sum to 10, Vs join digits that sum to 5.
    • White dots join consecutive digits, Black dots join digits in 1:2 ratio.
    • Digits on grey circles are odd, Digits on grey squares are even.
Any feedback is appreciated.

F-puzzles SudokuPad

Lösungscode: Column 9 top to bottom (9 digits, no spaces).

Zuletzt geändert am 13. Februar 2023, 17:46 Uhr

Gelöst von SeveNateNine, efnenu, Steven R, MartinR, Mrtn, marcmees, Raumplaner, cpu92, StalkerAT, stefliew, dskaff, AvonD, ademjaz, Studernaldo, Raistlen, Kilonum, brandon_bot, josh_johnson, fjam, zeecomoon, ... rpmurphy1, mms112, PippoForte, nottabird, zrbakhtiar, Luaryo, SashaBu, MineLenny, fca.felix.sudoku, saskia-daniela, Vasefire, Sewerin, dogfarts, Calvinball, GhTheOne, BeeBoi, k2u5as, kingofthekows
Komplette Liste


am 13. Februar 2023, 17:46 Uhr von zegres
Added links

Zuletzt geändert am 3. Januar 2023, 16:09 Uhr

am 1. Januar 2023, 22:05 Uhr von Christounet
Great fun and a nice variation with the encoding and wrogn parts. Hopefully these marbles will keep running !
Reply: thanks, glad you liked the variation, I will make more for sure!

Zuletzt geändert am 23. Dezember 2022, 08:21 Uhr

am 23. Dezember 2022, 02:16 Uhr von Mr.CHEN
I don't understand why CTC's "start marble run" function is useful? It seems that some bars will be displayed to simulate the movement track of marble, and slight tilt will appear when clicking?
Look forward to more marble puzzles!

Reply: You have to put some line tool circles in the grid as well THEN click Start Marble Run. The circles turn into marbles.

am 22. Dezember 2022, 20:37 Uhr von Niverio
Awesome trilogy of puzzles! I had tons of fun solving them.

am 20. Dezember 2022, 08:13 Uhr von kjholt
Let's go Pinkies! One more event left!

Zuletzt geändert am 20. Dezember 2022, 03:01 Uhr

am 19. Dezember 2022, 22:54 Uhr von cpu92
Very fun and approachable. Thanks Zegres!

Reply: Thanks! Appreciate it.

am 19. Dezember 2022, 22:04 Uhr von Raumplaner
A very satisfying and fun solvepath. Many thanks again for a brilliant construction, zegres.

am 19. Dezember 2022, 21:07 Uhr von zegres
Changed difficulty due to feedback.
Clarified rules a bit.

Zuletzt geändert am 20. Dezember 2022, 03:02 Uhr

am 19. Dezember 2022, 14:09 Uhr von Steven R
Really enjoyed it, thanks :)

Reply: Glad you liked it, thanks!

Zuletzt geändert am 20. Dezember 2022, 03:03 Uhr

am 19. Dezember 2022, 12:02 Uhr von efnenu
I found this rather approachable and very charming throughout! Thanks for this puzzle!

Reply: Thanks a lot for the nice comment!

Bewertung:94 %
Gelöst:71 mal
Beobachtet:14 mal

Variantenkombination Online-Solving-Tool

Lösung abgeben

