Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

The Fifteenth Day of Christmas

(Eingestellt am 18. Dezember 2022, 07:01 Uhr von cristophermoore)

Standard Sudoku rules apply. Each purple line sums to 15, including the thermometer. Digits cannot repeat on a purple line. No two purple lines can contain the same set of digits. Digits along the purple thermometer must increase from the bulb end. Digits a knight's move apart must be different.

Feedback is very welcome!

f-puzzle link

CTC link

Lösungscode: row 2 followed by column 8

Gelöst von Megalobrainiac, glum_hippo, SKORP17, noswald, michelkraemer, mastergasket, CookieWookie, mse326, Lillith, fjam, Silverstep, jkuo7, madhupt, asver, LadyAstra, faisalaak, Yawnus, OGRussHood, ... SSG, lerroyy, geronimo92, furkae, Schnitzel, laky, Reenolex, tsutclifferocks, dawntreader, JumpInSide, michaal94, Uhu, polar, steini, PippoForte, samjna0049, billy49, tess, Fool on Hill, KyubiBoy
Komplette Liste


am 20. Dezember 2022, 19:18 Uhr von glum_hippo
What in the world would a 'satisfying headache' feel like?

Zuletzt geändert am 20. Dezember 2022, 18:45 Uhr

am 20. Dezember 2022, 06:41 Uhr von Silverstep
Extra challenge: Solve the sudoku without using the thermo. (as in, assign one of nine colours to each cell, such that colours do not repeat in a row, column, or box.) You may use the thermo for the final bit of disambiguation.

Cris: good point. actually, you don't even need the thermo to disambiguate :-) but I think it makes the solve a lot smoother

Zuletzt geändert am 19. Dezember 2022, 23:38 Uhr

am 19. Dezember 2022, 23:34 Uhr von CookieWookie
A great puzzle! I would definitely up the difficulty rating to 4 or even 5 stars though haha

Cris: I thought I would leave that to the solvers :-)

Zuletzt geändert am 19. Dezember 2022, 23:38 Uhr

am 19. Dezember 2022, 23:33 Uhr von mastergasket
Fantastic puzzle. It had a wonderful "aha!" moment for me.

Cris: that's what every setter wants to hear!

Zuletzt geändert am 19. Dezember 2022, 23:38 Uhr

am 19. Dezember 2022, 22:31 Uhr von riffclown
Congratulations on the Feature..

Cris: thanks!

Zuletzt geändert am 19. Dezember 2022, 22:02 Uhr

am 19. Dezember 2022, 21:24 Uhr von michelkraemer
Awesome! Had a lot of fun doing this! Although the possible combinations of 15 and how they fit together made my head hurt :) :)

Cris: thank you! I didn't mean to induce a headache :-O

Michel: No worries. It was a satisfying headache :D

am 18. Dezember 2022, 13:48 Uhr von glum_hippo
What an idea!

Bewertung:98 %
Gelöst:48 mal
Beobachtet:9 mal


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