Chain Reaction (Killer Sudoku)
(Eingestellt am 5. Dezember 2022, 15:53 Uhr von AstralSky)
Normal Killer Sudoku rules apply: Digits in a cage may not repeat and must sum to the total at the top left corner(if given).
Lösungscode: Row 2 then Column 1
Gelöst von Leonard Hal, antiknight, StefanSch, SKORP17, Entropywins, OhHeyGuysItsMax, Dentones, AvonD, gige, Xalothros, OutOfMyMindBRB, cdwg2000, dlindberg3, jalebc, Elliott810, PixelPlucker, Marcos, Bjd, ... argl, madhupt, zlotnleo, Calvinball, sujoyku, dskaff, lerroyy, GeorgeTheToad2, galgamer, kmoter, misko, Kimyee, pepe74287, zorant, Just me, Saskia, PippoForte, karen_birgitta, Leilalu222, mezkur7
am 6. Dezember 2022, 17:24 Uhr von Snookerfan
Very nice! Thank you